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Posts posted by namtugeoj

  1. Number 6,444 to sign.

    Here is the snippet from the site...


    Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) has proposed needless and unnecessary changes to railroad retirement, a sound pension system that costs the taxpayers nothing yet is solvent as it is completely funded by railroad workers and the rail industry itself. These changes will adversely affect current railroad employees and retirees and their families, increasing their taxes while decreasing their benefits, while saving the taxpayer nothing. Railroad workers currently pay higher taxes than most citizens to fund this system, and there is no need to force them to pay higher taxes to fund something that is solvent. Further, this budget proposal will decrease the benefits of current retirees. This is completely unnecessary as well, as retirees should not be penalized for something they paid into their entire careers. Please contact your elected officials to stop these unneeded changes to the Railroad Retirement System. "

    Doesn't seem to hurt my everyday life as a taxpayer so If my biker buddies need some help then sure why not.

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