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Everything posted by abdecal

  1. Yes. Curious what you would use them for though, hehe
  2. I am also going to reorganize all my categories this week
  3. That's pretty cool and unique
  4. Better Unless your decals have clear coat over them, then no lol
  5. My website is lacking Motorcycle decals and after I fill the orders I have tomorrow I'm going to take the time to add many more products to the site. What decals should be on there? Not limited to only suggestions for motorcycles. It can be anything. http://www.abdecal.com/categories/Motorcycles/ Thanks for the help!
  6. Add this to the first post so we can all keep track that way... Then as challenges are added write pending after them or something.
  7. Next one in front of a fire truck
  8. We did that one a few pics ago! lol
  9. When my girlfriend and I got a house together after dating 5 years I made sure I could afford it without her in case anything happened. I put the house in only my name and when she contributed money toward the down payment I had her sign a document that it was a gift to me and not directly for the down payment. Even though it all went to the down payment I always make sure my ass is covered. Also, when she contributed to the monthly payments I recorded it as rent and not a house payment. Long story short.. she cheated on me with her boss at Sears. I found out. I kicked her out. She is back living with her parents. Even though it's only me paying all the bills, I end up with more money to save at the end of the month. She spent way more than she made. I am a minimalist, she was not. After being broken up 8 or 9 months I am much happier and much healthier (mentally and physically). You tend to forget how much you enjoyed hanging out with friends. Some of you are lucky though, and married your best friend Hopefully us single people will all get to do the same. Moral of the story... The way I see it, you can always plan for the worst. And just to add... Her boss at Sears was married with a kid and 11 years older than her (she was 20). When we broke up she quickly found out he had no plans on leaving his marriage for her and stopped talking to her. Another thing I learned from all this... While dating her I had stopped talking to a lot of my good friends for a few years and focused only on her. When we broke up they showed up at my house and talked with me for a few hours then took me out to have some fun. So now I know, your true friends will always be there for you, and you always make sure you are there for them. 4 months later my best friend had his long term gf cheat on him and they broke up. I returned the favor and showed up at his house and took him out for a good time. edit: Sorry this doesn't read well,lol. I'm at work and kept going back to it while I did other things
  10. I got it. I can take a late lunch I am willing to go inside and have Chuck E come out and take a pic with our bikes. What if we got a pic of him doing a wheelie on one of our bikes. Would we win the internet? Would be tough to explain to the insurance company should something happen... hahaha
  11. I'm going to the one by Dayton Mall. Chuck E Cheese meet? LOL I work till 7pm though so I doubt I'll beat you guys to it
  12. I've got this on my ride home from work if nobody grabs it by then
  13. I agree with this. He could have easily posted before they stole it so it doesn't draw any attention and he still has a way to get rid of the parts. Plus the fact that he's not giving any pics of the CBR yet they may not have it apart. It still seems very suspicious to me. If he has a couple bikes he's parting out they may have done this a few times and learned to post before they steal the bike.
  14. Was great meeting you guys. Next time I'll plan a few days ahead instead of two weeks so we have a better idea of what the weather will be like.
  15. Haha. Looks like I'll be taking the cage to this one. Ready to eat some BBQ!
  16. Looks great too. The piping on the outer layer is reflective. Good review, I just may pick this jacket up as well.
  17. I've shipped thousands of orders via USPS. If you're within 50 miles of me you would have gotten it today, within 200 miles takes another day. Outside of 200 miles there's no telling. I have about a 90% success rate on getting orders out. About 10% of orders have to be re-sent or come as return to sender,lol. USPS sucks. To bad FedEx is so damn expensive
  18. Yeah I really love the low carb diet and the juicing diet. It's a very unique feeling when you pump your body full of nutrients from 5lbs of vegetables at once. You feel like you could run a marathon and it puts you in a great mood.
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