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Everything posted by abdecal

  1. Yeah the mirror etch is badass. That's the OhioRiders.net one I'm going to put on my bike. I like subtly. I'm also going to invert mine so I can put it on the inside of the windshield to make it more authentic. It's a little less visible that way but when people see it up close they will think you had your windshield etched.
  2. It gives it the appearance that it is not a decal but rather etched into the glass itself.
  3. I have two different pinks. One is like a pepto bismol pink The other is more of a hot pink
  4. hahaha. PBR is actually one of my top selling decals.
  5. I will be posting a thread tomorrow on suggestions for products to be added to the website for motorcycles. There will be an OhioRiders.net discount code added to the site as well. I'm much to tired to think right now so look for some decal threads tomorrow.
  6. I'm not sure what size the last decals were. I am allowing custom sizes to be requested though.
  7. This information and my contact information will be added in an official post coming soon. Until then try to get some dimensions to send me, at least a width.
  8. I'm hoping someone attending can take charge of this one. I'm fairly new to riding so I'll be a follower.
  9. Link is up! For some reason it is not letting me use a guest checkout and I am working on that so as of right now you will need to make an ABDecal account to order. http://www.abdecal.com/watch-out-for-motorcycles-decal/ Decal is FREE. Shipping is FREE on this decal. I should have a batch of these in each color before the weekend. As for the standard OhioRiders.net decal it is up on the site right now and can be ordered but will be pending shipment until an official announcement is made. If you are okay with me adding a picture of your OhioRiders.net decal to the page for others to see please email it to me at abdecal13@gmail.com. Thanks everyone! edit: I will be bringing some of the decals in black and white to the Dayton / Cincy meet so you can get one there as well. http://ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=90945
  10. Yep I have the equipment. I've been making decals since I was 10 years old. I used to sell them to classmates so I could get all the cool new video games. I made my website when I got out of college. I love doing it and I love the whole aspect of running a business. I can't really see myself doing anything else.
  11. Damn you guys are quick. I literally just added that and it was up for at most 30 seconds so I could test a $0 order with free shipping to make sure it went through.
  12. Haha, yeah not yet. I added that product to give a sample to Casper of what it would look like on the site. Didn't realize you guys would find my website so fast edit: That product has been temporarily removed
  13. Alright, Revised version that will be revised again after the spacing is fixed on the OhioRiders.net text. But this is what it will look like... What I'm going to do in a bit is link these from my website as a product that is free shipping and the item is free. That way I can collect addresses and amounts much easier and you guys don't have to send prepaid envelopes.
  14. Hey all, Figured I would do what I can to make the road a safer place for us out there. These decals are free to those that want them. I haven't decided on which design of the two I'm gonna make yet but I think we're looking at about 6" wide by 3" or 4" tall. Die cut decals that can go on windows, bumpers, whatever you want... Edit: If enough want them and Casper is cool with it I will make the ones that say OhioRiders.net underneath since I had not yet asked permission. Damn this 2 hour message limit...
  15. Yeah it looks like that's what I'm gonna try first. If I still have issues I'll call up Middletown Cycle. My first service on the bike is free for having to wait for a new bike to come in. Completely forgot to get that in writing so I'll have to hope they will keep their word.
  16. I'm not sure. I'd have to call Middletown Cycle for that info. I didn't opt for their $1,000 extended warranty but I know Kawasaki has a factory warranty.
  17. I called Vista Kawasaki and the service tech said it likely has a "failed out spark plug". I asked him if they had many issues with them backfiring and he said they haven't. I'm not to sure about the spark plug theory
  18. I'm going to give Vista Kawasaki a call and see if they have seen this a lot and if there is a fix for it.
  19. Yep, I always let it warm up before taking off. Choke was all the way on when starting each time it backfired. Scared the shit out of me the first time, it's as loud as a gun shot. I have no problems at all when the engine is warm. Good research btw, looks like it may be an issue from the factory?
  20. Hey guys, my 2012 Ninja 250r has backfired on me 3 times since I got it (2 weeks ago). Wondering if you would know what's causing this. Usually after it backfires it will have white smoke coming out of the exhaust for 45 seconds to a minute until the engine heats up some. The first backfire came the second time I started it up and it only had about 12 miles on it. Maybe I have the choke to far when starting it? I imagine a backfire isn't a huge issue but I'd at least like to know if it's me doing something wrong when starting it.
  21. Because the domain name is considered a premium domain and it costs $3,300.
  22. State park officers have jurisdiction in the entire state, not just the parks. I had a friend whose dad was a state park officer and he told me this a few years ago. Park rangers are different than park police though. Park rangers do not have law enforcement capabilities. I'm not 100% on this but I know it's something weird like that.
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