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Everything posted by abdecal

  1. As someone who has done a lot of research SEO'ing websites, I find this absolutely hilarious. I am willing to backlink this on my website as well. And the 5 other sites I have. LOL
  2. I saw this at the hotel I was staying at in Fort Wayne this weekend. I guess they have a points program of some kind and you get rewards for it. Check out what the last one says...
  3. I thought for sure with the weather like it was Friday and Saturday someone would have got this one.
  4. I don't think you should stress getting the point across. Sometimes mistakes have to be made in order to learn. Whether he learns from it or not is up to him. If there's one more thing I would add it's that it really doesn't matter what people on AFJ's opinions are of Casper (Ben? I'm a noob so I'm not sure). He's not the one trying to make a living from owning a motorcycle shop. And I'm pretty sure their opinions do not effect any of the other OhioRiders livelihood. The only person who's livelihood and success that can be affected is Brandon's. So it really doesn't matter what anyone thinks of who is right or wrong, all that matters is Brandon appears to be a stand up, honest guy. And not for our sake, but his. As a new member who knows none of the history on this so I cannot make opinions either way, I do know that the way he is handling it is unprofessional and almost childish. I haven't seen any of the OR supported vendors comment on this even though they probably have some strong opinions, and probably not positive. That's being smart. When you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all
  5. Success is limited by his customer base. Sure, he could probably make enough money to live off of and live off of comfortably but if his hopes for his business is to expand and make millions... I just don't see it happening. Not in Ohio at least. It's one thing to piss off a few customers (you can never please them all) , it's quite another to alienate an entire customer base in a small market. If I had advice for gixxie it would be to change your act, treat all members and potential customers with respect, keep opinions to yourself, and always remember... "time heals all wounds." Keep the business going and in the next 5 years you may see many of these OR members change their tune. As of right now though, you're working backwards.
  6. As someone who has my own business, the 5,000+ readers is not a win for you. It is quite the opposite. I saw you said losing OR members will not hurt your business. In fact, it will greatly hurt your business. Do you honestly believe that any of those 5,000 readers will still come to you to buy after reading this? What about their friends and friends of friends? The market is small and the competition is fierce. You can rant and rave about your prices but 90% of what you have to sell to get and keep a customer is yourself. I don't care if you want to sell me a $200 tire for $50, I will not buy from you. You have made a bad name for yourself in the only market you are targeting. Since you are in Cincy, I am a part of that market, my brother is a part of that market, and a few of our friends are. By me seeing this thread and your lack of professionalism and respect for others I will make sure my immediate group of motorcycle friends will not go to your shop. Ironically, a few of them were members of your website until I told them about OR. You're in deep because of you, not because of your pursuit of a business or lack of advertising. It is you, and only you. When you are the face of a business everything you say reflects on your business, whether it is a personal issue or not. I respect your attempt at starting a business but to be honest, you have doomed this one from the start. I may be a n00b rider and a n00b to this forum but if there's one thing I know it's business ethics. And dude... You're doing it wrong
  7. Haha yeah I was freakin out that he was gonna ask me for it. But I figured since he's off duty...
  8. LOL This was a fun one. It was parked at his house and he came out and asked wtf I was doing. So I had to explain to him the picture competition. He said it sounds like fun. He didn't want to be in the pic tho,lol In honor of Reds opening day the next pic needs to be in front of a professional sports stadium or D1 College sports arena. It doesn't matter how far in the background it is. As long as it in the pic. Should be easy for those that commute past any of the major cities.
  9. I should be back in town early Saturday. I'm down for a ride as well
  10. http://www2.dot.state.oh.us/se/coveredbridges/ Horrible map but that adds to the adventure! Enjoy riding around the entire county! hehe Edit: Just found out there's one on my way to work tomorrow. I have to stop at the post office so I may not have time to stop by and snap a pic but we will see
  11. D'oh! Repost... Sorry http://ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=91052
  12. This article was featured on Yahoo! today... http://games.yahoo.com/blogs/plugged-in/arizona-bill-could-criminalize-internet-trolling-184547052.html
  13. Is there such thing as a cool tread pattern? hahaha Do people actually buy tires because they like the look of the tread pattern and not the function?
  14. After some research into the subject I found it can inhibit my safety. Safety is more important to me than the bike looking better so I'm not going to do it. It's to bad though, the 250r looks like a bicycle from behind,lol
  15. If anything is leaning toward the squid side it's the larger back tire because I think it looks better. (almost looks like a bicycle from behind,lol) After some research into the subject I found it can inhibit my safety. Safety is more important to me than the bike looking better so I'm not going to do it. And yes, looks are important to some as well. If you have ever removed your fender or bought gear that matches your bike you can't say that it doesn't. I wear all my gear every time I ride. I'm an extremely defensive driver / rider. I've never attempted a stunt on anything I've owned my entire life. I've never been in an accident, caused an accident, or even got so much as a scratch on any of my cars or bikes. (knock on wood) Could you say the same? Ever been in a wreck? A fender bender? Ever dumped your bike? Ever accidentally dropped it? Maybe even accidentally put a dent or small scratch in your car or bike? Maybe even popped a wheelie? I haven't. I would guess by the definition of a "squid" you would fit the profile more than I. As for the helmet I read reviews on many helmets before I purchased this one. I didn't buy it solely for looks. If I did that I wouldn't have bought it. It's just a bonus I found one I think will suit my needs and looks somewhat cool.
  16. I don't know why but I cracked up at this. I pictured someone floating in a motorcycle tire in a swimming pool.
  17. It was a Vega Full Face. Not sure exactly what model. I just know it wasn't very expensive. So under $200
  18. Seat cowl for 2012 Ninja 250r. Candy Lime Green
  19. It's very quiet. The helmet I was borrowing had my ears ringing after a ride because it was so loud. I haven't tried out a top of the line helmet so I can't compare to one but I imagine they would be about the same as this one.
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