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Everything posted by izhe4rael

  1. Google Calendar might work too.
  2. I'm rocking something like this on my SV! I'll post a picture tomorrow but last season I laid the bike down leaving a camp ground around Deals Gap. I had it towed to a local shop and dude got the bike running again but didn't have a replacement for the lever on hand so he hooked me up with something like this. I haven't had the heart to replace it even though I have a replacement on hand.
  3. I'm riding an 2006 SV650. Def not a sports touring machine but I do consider myself a Sport Touring Rider. The bike has 28,000 miles on her and I'm 34.
  4. Last time I was out that way I took the highway out and back so I don't have much advice on getting there but while you are out there this might be a cool route. 2 years ago I camped at the best KOA ever in Cortez, CO. The next day we rode east on US 160 to Durango, then north on US 550 to Montrose. The entire ride from Durango to Montrose is beautiful but there there is a section between Silverton and Ouray called the Million Dollar Highway that is the best part: http://www.roadtripusa.com/routes/loneliestroad/colorado/lon_us550.html. From Montrose we rode west on US 50 to 70 East into Denver. According to Ohiomike, it sounds like I should have headed east on US 50, instead of west, for a better ride.
  5. Very nice ride. Time for some serious miles.
  6. I'm not suggesting you blaze through. You never know when someone in the left hand lane might decide to merge right to move forward and you, or I, would need to be able to adjust to the situation. However the right hand land is still open and available for reasonable use until otherwise noted.
  7. I don't think anybody would stop you for it but in the situation you describe the right hand lane would only be slow or at standstill because you were blocking. Other wise the lane is completely open and available for normal usage.
  8. From an article I was reading about merging... "Looking at the science of what works best, traffic studies by the Texas Transportation Institute and the Federal Highway Administration have shown that late merging promotes the full utilization of highway space and actually maximizes the flow of traffic. Michael J. O'Brien, presiding judge of Tigard Municipal Court, tends to agree with the studies' findings and wrote to support my late merging - in theory. "Sadly," he said in the e-mail, "late merging seems to cause the most problems due to the perceived injustice wrought by less patient drivers." In other words, late mergers, early mergers and lane hogs who won't budge for mergers are equally to blame for a traffic jam." http://blog.oregonlive.com/commuting/2009/02/early_merger_to_late_merger_i.html
  9. Thinking about making my first OR appearance. Time?
  10. Great point #1:"If people leave the responsibility of policing to the tax paid officers that are trained to handle these situations, then nothing like this ever happens." Things like this may still happen, the police aren't perfect, but they are trained to handle situations like this. The more we have members of our society out there acting on their own because they think something is "suspicious" then more we can expect situations like this to occur. Report the crime, or supposed crime in this case, then stand back and let people trained to handle these situation handle it. Great point #2: "Zimmerman is not a hero and in fact stupid for chasing down a guy(kid actually) who you have no idea of what they are capable of nor what kind of weapon they have." Did he actually chase? Who knows, but he def engaged a him. Great point #3: "The dispatcher advised Zimmerman not to chase Martin, therefore he should be made accountable for his actions!" The dispatcher said nothing about chasing but did tell him to sit in his car and wait for police. Zimmerman choose not to do so and therefore should accept a certain amount of responsibility, not all, for what happened afterwards. Again, great points.
  11. "Think about it, if the kid was so shady? would Zimmerman really have got the best of him? Shady kids in my neighborhood carry concealed weapons with no license! That kid had no intention of causing trouble and lost his life. If people leave the responsibility of policing to the tax paid officers that are trained to handle these situations, then nothing like this ever happens. But then again in many cases they have killed innocent as well. Without knowing all the facts, I know enough to say Zimmerman is not a hero and in fact stupid for chasing down a guy(kid actually) who you have no idea of what they are capable of nor what kind of weapon they have. (again noting I didnt use race in any of my logic) The dispatcher advised Zimmerman not to chase Martin, therefore he should be made accountable for his actions!" Great points!
  12. izhe4rael

    I'm Down

    Gravel will do this too you every time. Gotta be overly careful on it. I've learned this the hard way. Glad to hear you are okay for the most part.
  13. End result: Battery connection not tight. I stripped a screw on the way in and while it appeared to be tight it wasn't. I'm hoping that is all.
  14. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll let yall know what I find out.
  15. Last night I finally got a new battery, gave the bike a quick cleaning and was off to Wings & Rings. I ride at total of about 15 miles on the highway when I noticed my speedometer blinking at me. Then every thing that can blink at me started doing the same thing. The check engine light, oil light and even the rpm needle is jumping up and down like the bike is dying. I didn't notice any lose of actual power, I was still running at about 70 mph, until I pull off at the next exit to see what was going on. As soon as I pull over to the berm and got down under 5 mph the whole thing died. I'm really nervous now because I know how much it cost to get a bike towed but less than a minute later the bike fires up again. I head for home right away and the dash never started blinking again but I wasn't riding as hard either. I let the bike sit overnight and fire it up first thing this morning no problem. Anyone have any idea why the dash would blink like it was dying and/or why the bike would die once I slowed down?
  16. I was talking to a local and work was supposed to be done in the next week or so but there was a new slide and they aren't sure anymore
  17. Heads up. I-75 S is closed at Jellico, TN. The alternate route has lots of twisties though but also a lot of traffic. http://www.wbir.com/news/article/210026/0/Alternate-routes-for-I-75-SB-mean-longer-commutes-for-drivers
  18. This will be our first year camping at this festival and I'm not quite sure what to expect.
  19. Anybody doing anything fun this weekend? I'm headed to NC to get my hippie on at this festival: http://www.theleaf.com/.
  20. Had to Google ST4. Was hoping it was one of these new adventure style bike. I was wrong. Glad to hear your all good.
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