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Everything posted by Exarch

  1. Lol, that answers my question I guess slurs only make strangers perceive you as a racist, when they provokes your actions as a man who doesnt give a fuck and sais the most offensive think can think of, which in return they over react, which leads to an altercation of some aort, at which point both parties are guilty because the first paty couldnt stop when you asked them nice the first time. Sorry, was reminiscing about an incident last week at the movie theaters, im sure you can figure it out based on the stereotypes.
  2. The little scale thing on the top right side of a users post(the middle icon)
  3. I drop racial slurs(some will hate this) based on color, doesnt matter if they are my friend or not, none of my friends care(and I have friends of all races and religions), I personally dont care what color someones skin is or what their religion is, but if their actions are intolerable I will drop a slur or 2 to a strange, regardless of what color skin person is with me(none of my non white buddys get offended by this, they drop.slurs against everyone aswell, even their own race) would that make me partially racist, since I honestly dont care bout skin color, I just know it pisses em off, which is why ill do it. Or would that just make me prejudice since I only do that based on their actions? I have 2 black friends that consider themselves.rasist vs.black people and refuse to hang out with anyone who is not white(atleast anyone that 'doesnt act white') would that make them racist?
  4. Hmm, never thouht of it that way I always thought of it as partial racist, good point. +rep
  5. Were all racist in one way or another, just because some of us choose not.to.judge others by the color of.their skin doesnt mean were not racist. Example, the video you posted of the white kid getting his ass beat. Most NON racist people never ever would of put themselves in that situation. The normal non racist white people.dont go into black neighborhoods for this reason ever. thats racist, but completely understandable by our society.
  6. Ima.watch this.at 3pm.if yall still streamin then, cant do shit at this first job.
  7. 1st that guy doesnt look mexican(could be wrong, there are light skin mexicans) 2nd thats not justice and thats why people are racist vs black people. 3rd I hope those guys get whats comming to them 4th if anything this.would hurt martins case instead of help it(which isnt the case, but omg I see.the riots already)
  8. Good shit, some guys dont learn their lesson. hopefully these wont come in handy though, but shit happens
  9. Interesting choice, I tend to do other things when im in a hotel, alone, and bored... Nice pic though, the neons go well with the shadowing and that pretty view of the city.
  10. Cant wait to see the final product, im sure it will be bad ass.
  11. Yup, at the ripe ol age of 83 http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/04/us/04kevorkian.html?pagewanted=all
  12. I literally have nothing better to do at work, so im on here 8h a day
  13. he cant ride a naked motorcycle, that would be indecent exposure and if he is riding her that would be committing lewd acts in public... And if she is only 7years old thats wrong on so many levels... Or does this work like dog years Best I could do, couldnt find panties so I went with a dress But seriously, im personally not a fan of naked bikes, not saying he couldn't ride it naked, just saying it wouldnt look as good.(unless he had a few beers in him, the who cares how good she looks)
  14. I would say you should pay a visit to jack kevorkian if you feel that way, but he died last year.
  15. is this supposed to be a parody or are these girls trying to be serious?
  16. Cant believe I just watched this whole movie... The first one wasnt too too bad, but this one was disturbing on so many levels... I dont even know where to begin with this movie, but I dont recommend watching it, especially if your easily disturbed, which im not, but this is probably hands down the most disturbing movie I have ever watched(and no, were not gunna go into snuff/faces of death, im talking movie movies, not RL stuff) Just thought ide share... Im sure not many people will care, but if you do you A) need to be screwed up to make it through the last 40min B) not have a weak stomach and C) probably shouldnt be eating during the last 40min of this movie.
  17. Fify You got it wrong, remove the spaces... You.cant.have.periods.and.spaces.together.everyone.knows.that.
  18. I disagree, I think these new zx10r fairings would look sexy on his bike
  19. U know what, I was trying to look at where he was using countersteering that whole video I only noticed it once... As in I could physically see the effects, and I was looking pretty damn hard Yes I fail hard, who pays attention to something like that I a bad ass vid like this, my eyes were glued to the front of the bike.
  20. Thats not a pretty site. Are you going to make a claim or pay out of pocket? Best of luck with rebuilding it, hopefully the forks/frame arnt damaged.
  21. :hbleft::bday3::sSp_bdayparty:
  22. hey now, thats a low blow but not the reason im a michigan fan and im not origionally from ohio. Oh and yes, I have to think positive, thats all the ammo ive had for the past 7 years... we finally managed to remove head from ass though
  23. Well that made it easy, looks pretty cool. prob wont go this year though, might bring the wife and kids out next year to one of these events though.(if she isnt knocked up again )
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