Im not gunna lie here, going fast and making an input like that makes me a little nerves. no one ever mentioned that you at a certain.speed for take effect(althouhh.I watched.a.vid.and.saw.countersteering from a stoped bike.taking a right tuen, I have to watch it again cuz I didnt grasp it.the first time) I was in a parking lot when I did this.(15mph and under the whole.time) and countersteering did, now.that I know I wasnt going fast enough for it to take effect that should help me out the next time I try it. Again a lil nerves bout doing it since.ive neber pushed my speeds, but im just gunna make sure no cars are around me when I attempt.this and hope.for.the best. Ane hey if it works ill practice it some more thanks for breaking it down for me(although im curious how it works from a stop mow, as I did not practice it.from a stop, I only practiced it while riding up and down the parking lot wondering why it wasnt working lol)