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Everything posted by Exarch

  1. Exarch


    No noise when stoped, could be depending on speed but its harder to tell cuz of.the.wind and the helmet.so it all sounds the same noise lvl to me. I know for a fact its not the fan/radiator cuz ive killed the bike and still had it running for like 30sec after the bike was shut off.
  2. Exarch


    Could.this have been caused.by someome slamming the breaks.frequently at.stops like my dad does?
  3. Exarch


    Ya, is it a .issue if it is one of these? or just an annoyance.
  4. Exarch


    ^^^ this, he has heard it
  5. Exarch

    thank you OR...

    Thanks well cave is close enough, I work in a shack. I had the galaxy nexus 2 and got no speed out here with sprint, even tried a few other sprint phones and all had the same results.
  6. Exarch

    thank you OR...

    Guess I should of looked into that since I had em for so long, too late now I would bloe through 10gb in a day(Netflix/YouTube) if I had unlimited without caps. I would give verison a call and see if I could get back in with em if they would give me unlimited, but in a 2year contract with Tmobile.
  7. Exarch

    thank you OR...

    Pandora hardly uses anything, maybe 1mb per hour for me. also you prob have 4g out that way with sprint, where as out here in Dayton sprint doesnt have 4g, although the phone service was great cuz I live right next to a sprint tower, but internet pft. I know if sprint had 4g out this way I woulda stuck with em for sure.
  8. Im not sure about on bikes, but if your breaks are pulsing on a car it is generally your roters.
  9. Exarch

    Ban Trolls

    I wonder if the chewbaca defense will work in any type of legal action someone files against you on the internet... If so who needs a lawyer? Just rep yourself.
  10. Exarch


    I still hear it clutch in(I usually coast to stops...) Ill try killing the motor next time I ride it when its safe to do so.
  11. Exarch


    Ive had 2 guys get on it, 1 bout 10lb lighter and the other bout 30lb heavir. The noise seems to be bout the same regardless of speed, which is pretty loud and noticable. But it doesnt do it all the time. Both guys just did a qucik overlook of the bike and a quick ride. One rode it around the parking lot and the other rode it up the street. You can deff hear it even if your off the bike and none of us heard it when theh rode it. one guy just suggested riding it to break it in more and the other suggested it could be caused by water/liquid, although I havent had anything drip anyplace as I dont soak my bike when I clean it so there Is no excess cleaner dripping on anything.
  12. Ahh, so pretty much a park bridge would be the easiest to find around these parts
  13. Exarch


    its a constant squeal regardless of speed/breaks. It sounds like its comming from the front of the bike but not 100% sure on that. Nothing is rubbing though, so im wondering if it could be the engine. it sounds kind of like a shopping cart wheel or wagon wheel squeak if I had to compair it to something. The bikes never been droped or abused(althouhh my dad does grab a shitton of front break when he comes to a stop)
  14. Not sure if my pm went through or not yestersay, was wondering bout those valve stem caps I was wanting to buy off u. I think I pmed u the right item number. I figured since they were like $17 - whatever discount I get if I dont like em I can always throw em out lol. But ya I deff wanna buy em still.
  15. Exarch

    thank you OR...

    Are u on a smartphone? Cuz smartphone data plans work differently. Although im not sure how thr family plan works for verision. I had 2 lines with em and once someone went over that was it for both of us.
  16. Does an overpass count as a bridge? im not even sure what COVERD bridges are in Ohio, I didnt realize we even had any. most covered bridges I know of around non landlocked states and a few others. Im not playin this week(maybe this weekend) but just trying to clear up what a 'covered bridge' is for other people.
  17. Exarch


    For some reason my bike is sneaky and only squeaks/squeals when im not around my mechanic to reproduce the noise. When he hops on it sounds just fine, but cannot confirm what the noise is without hearing it himself. It sounds kind of like something is rubbing, but that doesnt seem to be the case. Anyone have ideas to what this might be? I went riding with another guy from here last week and he said he could hear it as we were riding down the road. We were doing about 50 or so and I was about 4sec behind him. I even had someone check it out at the place we went to and I couldnt get the noise reproduces. Im just wondering if its an issue or not? The bikes performance seems uneffected weather its squealing or not. And if anyone has a possible answer to what could be causing this noise. The bike only has bout 800ish miles and had its 600mi checkup already. The noise didnt start till about 720ish miles.
  18. I would deff come over 'just to see it in person' :op::penis:
  19. Exarch

    thank you OR...

    Of course its truley unlimited, it would take someone 1 year to use 2GB due to how slow it is... Their speeds start at the capped speeds of other services...
  20. Exarch

    thank you OR...

    What o.O I had unlimites with verision for 7years, but they didnt grandfather me in so I ended up switching. What company do u have?
  21. What is a white man doing in that situation in the first place? hell I used to be the only white family in my neighborhood, but you wouldnt catch me roaming my neighborhood unless I was Rollin atleast 6deep. I learned my lesson after I got jumped for calling a mixed kid the n word(infront of my black friends and his black friends, and none of the black people cared) but the mixed kid was butthirt and wanted to fight 1 on 1, stupid me ive never fought in the ghetto and rolled out by myself and got jumped by 6 guys thinking.it was gunna be a 1 on 1 fight... In a white neighborhood 1v1 means 1v1 no matter who else is around.... I have nothing against black people I cant stand 'gangbangers' whats the point of jukping or robbing someone? It just makes you look like a big whimp in the end. And also black people are way more racist than white people, even though those same people accuse all whites of being racists... Cant we all just get along regardless of skin color? We should be more focused on hating thr right people like terrorists and child molesters and whatnot. With stuff like this the black community just makes themselves look worse.. And by black community mean the projects/ghetto, not black people from the city, country, or suburbs. Cuz yes its sad but stereotypes are true, too bad they will never change
  22. Welcome to OR there are alot of people here from Cbus
  23. Exarch

    thank you OR...

    Thanks, snot, I got everything turned off now. Unlimited is not unlimited... Well it is, but after your 2GB usage it runs like a snail. I just bumped myself to 5GB and that should last the rest of the month if I dont watch any vids since I got all the mb eaters from this site turned off. There is a HUGE difference between the 20mbs I was getting compaired to the 0.06 mbs I get when I hit the cap... Sprint has the only TRULY unlimited plan(no cap) but they dont offer 4g in this area and it is slower than snails on 3g. I had sprint for 1week b4 I switched yo Tmobile. Verison and AT&T have the same plan as Tmobile. Oh I forgot bout cricket, no 4g and like sprint they are so as snails... Ill gladly pay an extra $15 for the speed boost, even though browsing is still possible(but slow) when you hit the cap.
  24. Butthurt much? Some people dont know the difference between a lil friendly hazing and a bashing... Or sarcasim and seriousness... This forum has alot of good people and if someone gets offended by a series of jokes than they prob dont belong on the net, or around men for that matter. Its what guys do, especially those of us that served... Although I wouldnt say 1/2 the shit I say(or do) to a person in the militart to a civilian. A civilian would look at me like im fucking nuts lol. Someone in the military just sees it as normal. Seriously, if a civilian stranger asks me for a cig ill prob just say sure and hand him one. Now if a uniformed stranger asks me for a cig ill prob say sure, but your gunna have to smoke my pole first if you want it, and they will more than likely respond sure whip it out.
  25. Thanks for taking up all 2GB of my data plan in 4 days... Damn sigs and avatars and pics. Its too late now, but now I gotta figure out how to disable all that crap. Im on this damn site for 8 hours a day while im at my 2nd job, I am gunna sue OR for the $15 I gotta pay to bump up my plan to 5GB now, or $30 if I gotta jump to 10mb if I cannot figure out how to disable all the damn MB eaters... Why the hell does this website have to have so many damn good members, I know I bust balls and get my balls busted, but its all in good fun. I feel like a fuckin troll being on this site all damn day long, like wtf, do I really have nothing better to do at work? The answer is no, I have nothing better to do at work but browse this damn fourm... I know, im a lazy shitbag, but hell my work could atleast give us wifi so I dont have to use up all my damn data. Before I joined this website I was using 5% of my data per day at my second job.. Now I used 25% of my data per day, just on this forum... That is redicilous. Hell b4 I found this site I would browse other fourms, craigslist, and play online games for 8 hours straight and get by with 2GB for the entire month... DAMN YOU O.R. Is there some kind of rehab clinic I can go to that will cure me of my addiction? I mean this is out of control, I should prob be doing something more productive with my time. During my 1st job I dont even touch my phone at all, so could this mean there is a problem with my second job? Or is it just a problem with me? BTW ima rent-a-cop at my 2nd job and a expeditor at my 1st job. I wonder if that could play a factor in this whole situation... Bust my ass the first 1/2 of the day and do nothing productive the 2nd 1/2 of my day? Well thats my rant for the day, true story.
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