Heres what I think if you must know. Anyone 10 years older than me is 'old' anyone 5 years younger than me is 'young' and anyone that gets offended is a cranky old asshat... Age is what it is, and thats all there is to it, you cant change your age and everyhodys prospective of what 'old' is usually depends on their age. And most people in their 50s admit to being 'old' and accept it. Hell senior citizen = age 65... So yes 50 is old and 65+ is senior citizen. 30-49 is middle age and >30 is young.... Btw to your 'schooling' comment.... Duh with age comes experience... Thats a pretty well known fact, doesnt matter if ur talking bout riding, fighting, politics, etc(I would have to exclude sex though due to ED at older ages for alot of people) the more you have done something the better u know how to do it... But then again there is a point in your life when u hit the breaks and go in reverse around 75+ usually...