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Everything posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. that is goddamn cheap right now...
  2. Yes, considering you can get it for 50cents a rd at gander mtn right now. This venture wouldn't be about just getting my 1-2000 rounds. I am attempting to address several implications, including future shortages, hedging against inflation, etc.
  3. probably like 10 boxes of .380 at walmart on morse. no 12ga, no .223. couple boxes of .45 tulammo.
  4. im not necessarily talking right now. im thinking when all this shit blows over, and its a little more available. i understand this could be 6 mos- 1yr in the future. i consider ammo to be an excellent hedge against inflation.
  5. Is anyone interested in going in on alot of bulk .223/5.56, meaning like 10-20K rounds? That is, if we are able to find it. From what I understand, this its the amount that is considered bulk. Not sure if w would need an LLC or Tax ID before a manufacturer would listen to our request.
  6. yeah i went to gander today, definitely some good deals there, 40-50% off on mostly everything. ammo and guns were a different story. plenty of .223 but cheapest per rd was like 50 cents. also no .223 at walmart, asked if they took backorders, they declined. i did buy a 100 pack of federal 12ga though for $23. had 2 more of those value packs left.
  7. i wanna know who actually reads the letters...
  8. i am unsure why the potential ban is driving ammo sales to be so backordered. i mean there is nothing proposed that would anyway inhibit anyone from acquiring ammo...
  9. didn't they already have some insane mag limit? what the hell is the point?
  10. That would honestly be the best case scenario. The only sort of thing that would prompt people into action.
  11. if they offered 4k on buyback, i would just hold onto my shit, and it would be worth probably 10k on the black market after they buyback ended.
  12. where'd ya order from? what kinda backorder timeline did they give you?
  13. someone at the gun show was saying it was illegal to perform face to face firearm sales, in public, in columbus. any truth to this? meaning you cant meet someone in a parking lot and make a sale, because it is illegal.
  14. i went, i saw, i did not conquer. i figured i would buy nothing. the prices were lollerific. nothing like seeing people buy $1500 ARs, then turn around and ask "what kinda bullets they take?"
  15. True, it wont. But I think any rational person, while taking the human element out of it, realizes that the body count will decrease if teachers were armed.
  16. Everything has a cost. 1 kid might get put down, but I am ok with it, in the name of saving 300 others.
  17. basically any weapon with a detachable mag is capable of accepting a magazine of more than 10 rounds. i wish these "lawmakers" knew what they were actually talking about, before they write this into law. furthermore, they are making gun owners out to be criminals. I wasn't aware that exercising your right to own a weapon(s) was illegal? Maybe we should change the 19th amendment, and require women voters to complete a new, separate registration. Just to know who they are, and that they pose a certain risk. Her included.
  18. dat c10 would look good w a gun rack..
  19. howard u old, gay, slackjawed fagget. get out of my thread
  20. seems like small steps. i like a govt that actually creates more freedom, as opposed to taking it away, though.
  21. CDNN website is now shut down.... The mags i bought on sportsmansguide.com are also probably 33% more marked up today than they were yesterday, and they are now back ordered a month further.
  22. yes, i am concerned as well. just 2 weeks ago, i go to Aim Hi and use the range, and some idiot canadian chick shot the ceiling with her AK. i rethink using the range everytime i go.
  23. I am not complaining, I find the whole situation interesting. Potential political action is causing an exogenous shift in the market. I think its funny seeing all the people on armslist complaining about price gouging. Clearly they don't understand how a market works. And for me its not panic buying, per se. I saw this coming, and purchased my saiga, pre-election. I have been prepared. I would consider this for me, more "last minute shopping".
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