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Everything posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. I call BS. I think on any domestic violence calls, the police have to take at least one party, legally.
  2. I am drunk as fuck in the flats in cleveland. Patron silver nothin less
  3. Group closed wtf we getting audited or something?
  4. Joans you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.
  5. Jones you gaywad you don't know what you are talking about
  6. Fact: jones couldnt run 1/8th mile even if his stumps allowed him.


    Clear your PMs chach
  8. moreover, what is more annoying are hillbillies that set their shit up for 1/8th mile. Example: FS 355 CHEBY SBC, 2 GALLON CELL, 7.83:1 GEARS SETUP FOR 1/8TH MILE TOTALLY STREEETABLE CALL FOR DEETS. THX CALL JETHRO.
  9. Seriously why do hillbillies even waste time hauling their shit to run on a track that is 1/8th mile? I would tell the track to EAD and spend more $ paving their shit out to 1/4 mile.
  10. likely. who is she?
  11. be nitrousbird, get trolled by jones
  12. not sure what size the bolts are, but go to harbor freight and get a really long extension, or really long sets of extensions, and a swiveling extension. ive seen/done this approach.
  13. Poor money mgmt. I voted no on gahannas just because I was so salty I had to go there for 13 yrs.
  14. Bump for an awesome weapon. Again, trades considered, cash preferred.
  15. See that chick is actually decent
  16. this mob mentality makes me cackle with excitement. half chub anyone?
  17. jeffro you can quit. none of them are going to suck your dick.
  18. OP take off the fucking transitions lenses. the only people wearing those are fat nerds and old people
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