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Everything posted by AWW$HEEET



    I don't know what's more astounding, the amount of bullshit you just typed, or the fact that your wife didn't configure AOL so you couldn't get on past 12pm.


    Ahhh. Hear that everyone? That's the sound of a beaten man fading into mediocrity.


    I do nothing but shots. And jack daniels.


    Hal does nothing but cling to the nostalgia that used to be CR.
  5. Rank is a joke anymore. I hold very little stock in rank, sorry.
  6. I read 0 posts in this thread, yet I can oddly recap the entire thread: Frdfanboi: great w reg maint Haters: ghey car bad gas mileage keke Me: typical ford shit. Keep the fuel filter clean and the rubber side down
  7. Steve is legit. Heed the word of steve. Even if he is a mouthbreathing 305 driver.

    God dammit!

    Steve my name is gabe and you are still a cockfucker.
  9. I agree with a shutdown too. It might get people straightened out.
  10. lol, that paragraph alone is enough to bag your security clearance bro.
  11. i came in here to see what Cordell would suggest. i wasnt surprised at his response.
  12. Fun little bikes! Rock solid too!
  13. Was just a joke, but semi serious? Idk. The commanders note is probably like this: Troops, Dont even think of taking off. You are in the middle of a desert, 5000 miles from home, surrounded by millions of people who want you dead. Have fun trying to leave. Col. Sanders
  14. Just wondering... what is your commander saying to squelch the possibility of mutiny? lol
  15. i got a bro with a cessna, u ready to go?
  16. Ok, I lied. State of Ohio just cancelled my drill this weekend.
  17. no but the owners are via class action lawsuit I believe.
  18. gtr is out by virtue of the whole transmission debacle.
  19. yeah if the cable were detached at the front derailleur, its not a shifter problem...
  20. chris, i would race you, and give you a certain amount of buslengths, but any guess at how many it should actually be would be arbitrary. i honestly cant conjur up a race that would be remotely workable.
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