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Everything posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. Interesting. Do you have someone managing them?
  2. Supposedly on a percentage discount basis, this will be one of the best black fridays ever.... Apparently there is a huge surplus of unsold TVs ready to be unloaded. Id wait it out and wait in line at Target or Best Buy for the best deals that morning.
  3. would be purchasing as a primary residence then eventually renting it out.
  4. what did/do you find to be your biggest challenges?
  5. Is rental property a worthy investment, yes or no? And by property, I mean residential, not commercial. Please only respond if you have experience or have relatives w experience. I also want to know if there are management companies that take care of all the bitch work, aka finding tenants, fixing shit when it breaks, dealing with evictions, etc and there is a clearing acct between you and the management company where $ is exchanged, or how does that work? Thanks in advance.


    the worst bar at easton is bar louie, and thats saying alot because all the bars at easton suck dick.
  7. 1. What was your fondest memory as a child? 2. Do you prefer 4 or 8 cylinders? 3. What is your favorite restaurant? 4. When was your first male on male experience? 5. Who is your least favorite CR member?
  8. Maybe if you get Paul to go to the Bob Evans fundraiser he'll eat enough biscuits and gravy so you guys can upgrade off that shit ass vbb owned license to a lease license. That way we can do updates and 5th graders aren't hacking our shit.
  10. Id like to participate. Although Im losing my ass right now on VMware.
  11. +1. no one wants a porn star daughter.
  12. I avoid gaming like the plague. EA is the only one ive ever heard recommended.
  13. also when shooting w friends with a lever gun, they are like whats that? a pellet gun? and commence to laugh. thats when you shut them up. you walk up to the range like a pimp, chamber a round, pull the trigger, and it goes "mothafuckinBOOM! then they realize what a mans gun it is.
  14. Just sold my 1967 Winchester 30-30 Model 94. Gun was legit. I still love levers.
  15. Ive done my research and I am getting the Colt New Agent when I have the time and money. I dont want a full size 1911, I want something reliable and around that $4-700 area. Most can be picked up used around $500. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.tropicalfirearms.com/images/pooooooooooooo.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.tropicalfirearms.com/index.php%3Fmain_page%3Dproduct_info%26cPath%3D9_17%26products_id%3D560&usg=__eetxH2St2BKDkQhBXqnb94NEQnI=&h=400&w=600&sz=23&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=4LfUYQAN4ifX_M:&tbnh=179&tbnw=268&prev=/images%3Fq%3D1911%2Bcolt%2Bnew%2Bagent%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D574%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C228&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=438&ei=YNKsTKGCA4m4sQOOkZz2Cw&oei=YNKsTKGCA4m4sQOOkZz2Cw&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=8&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0&tx=123&ty=107&biw=1024&bih=574
  16. happy bday! just got on the forums when all this was going on, but still feels like he was a welcomed and cool guy.
  17. that swirling gaping windtunnel? its pauls anus.
  18. you sure its not a blue hyundai w a sick body kit bruh?
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