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Everything posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. http://www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/02/01/sex.robot/index.html?hpt=T2 Seriously whos going to pay $7k for a jackoff toy? Theres enough ugly chicks for everyone to get laid. I challenge all these creepos to come to Columbus for a weekend and not get laid. Theres enough grenades running around to keep everyone satisfied for years...
  2. Too late bro. Me and all my affliction training partners will have run a train on every girl in that city. Might as well make a wager on that. I slammed half a bottle of Jager and went parasailing with some unknown grenade, then I tried swimming out to the sandbar in the gulf and almost drowned. Good times.

    Happy Topic

    jack daniels hand release pizza chicken wings
  4. Ahaha, someone ALWAYS has the hidden evidence pics.... it never fails. Holiday Inn sunspree knows exactly whats going to hit it... Lets just say during this week that they sell Natty in the fuckin gift shop. True story.
  5. probably did. i cant recall much of that entire week, except it secured my spot in hell, lol.
  6. went at 7am today. perfect, no one there.
  7. I know a few of you guys are in IT. I need about 7 server boxes if you have any laying around. They will not be returned, as the servers are being shipped far, far away. Shoot me a PM or reply here please. Any assistance is appreciated. -Gabe
  8. Call Al Gore, see if he can load more funneh into teh tubes.
  9. I propose we change it to Conan O'Brien, because both are downtrodden, unwanted red heads. That is all. http://www.chicagonow.com/blogs/improvised-blog/conan_o_brien.jpg
  10. http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v66/170/40/53401638/n53401638_30425705_6102.jpg Ahh, heres me and some dumpster in the AM in the Sunspree.
  11. I can do the same. All about your personal time it takes to recover.
  12. Can you provide pics, wheels arent pictured.... Red X's here...
  13. Lemme guess, you train Affliction?
  14. Run on treadmill for 20 mins @ 8:00min/mile or faster, @ 1% incline. May play with speed (i.e. drop down to 6:30/7:00/7:30 pace for a minute or 2, return to original speed, then repeat this over and over again 3 to 5 times during the run) Lift a combination of lower and upper body: Shoulder dumbell press: 3x12-15 @ 35 or 40lbs Skull crushers: 3x12-15 at various weights Leg press: 3x20-24 @ 210, then 220, then 230 Abs workout
  15. Ah didnt know you worked there! Will do, seems they have tons of bartenders, not enough cocktail waitresses.
  16. Probably. Ironically, we get awful service there as well.
  17. 161/Hamilton. In Gahanna/New Albany.
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