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Everything posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. fuck work. get cash and buy a backwoods shack. sling moonshine when money gets tight. stay away from women, they are an incarnation of the devil, and a virtual drain on your bank account.
  2. Psh, drop it 2", roll bar, and some HREs with 3 inch lips, and you have a decent man mobile.
  3. too busy giving himself hand release. cant be bothered with such inconveniences as "children"
  4. lets see the amish interior? is it like wooden and shit?
  5. Ugh, worked out on the treadmill and did lunges last night, did not eat dinner and went straight to the bar. I feel like shitt this AM
  6. All cash for clunkers did was move forward a year or 2 worth of demand into the span of a 2-3 week period. Agreed, the numbers looked great, sales soared, but now that everyone has a new car, the lots will fill up again and the demand wont be there to match the supply. Capital injection does indeed cause a multiplier effect, but there is also such a thing as a tax multiplier. Instead of wastefully spending us into a hole, I postulate that you just hold insurerers more accountable, and give back to the taxpayers the money that would have been spent.
  7. Someone with an alias is trolling the board. Oh noes.
  8. Lets not argue semantics. Politics are shady by nature, but Barack Obama was elected on the premise that he was the answer to all of out problems. He was going to provide oversight. He was going to provide transparency. He was going to introduce change and reform to benefit the common good of the nation. Now he is introducing legislation so convoluted and corrupt that he won't let the debates be seen on a non partisan network such as CSPAN. Instead its a bill, full of earmarks and special deals. Bailouts got us nowhere, cash for clunkers got us nowhere, and healthcare will get us nowhere.
  9. the hardest part about MMA is incorporating all skills: jiu jitsu, muay thai, boxing, karate, etc. you have to be a jack of all trades, and a master of none basically.
  10. Fine, pass the bill, but just leave a space on it for me to sign my name to opt out. If its such a great bill, why are the debates not being broadcast on CSPAN like it Obama promised, and why are the democrats having closed door debates? Why is Obama exempting Unions, and cutting special deals to states like Nebraska, in return for votes? This is political cronyism and business as usual for Dems.

    FS: 01' Z06

    may I ask what you are getting next?
  12. zing! Maybe ill bring a riding mower and hot lap it for 3 days straight.
  13. Just what Ginger needs: more projects for Rob and Jeff.
  14. I didnt have health insurance for the last year. Did I want it? Yes. Did I want it at the expense of the American tax payer. Hell no. Was it my choice to go uninsured? Yes, and Id like to retain that right.
  15. just make sure its insulation, not hampster chips or some bullshit.
  16. paul im going to finish my car and beat your ass up and down 270.
  17. Ive heard anything less than the illumina series is crap.
  18. True, that was previous. I think they hear the outrage now and are willing to mull it over, before they all get voted out in 2010.
  19. Yes, just say no is exactly what you need for a bill like this. We don't need a trillion dollars of spending just to fix the system. Don't "fix" the system with spending, just draft legislation holding insurance companies liable for what they agree to when entering an agreement with a policy holder. It won't cost us anything, except paying the legislators to draft it. Instead, what we have is a bill full of earmarks, back room dealings, and special deals. Its completely rediculous, and it comes at the cost of all tax payers. And again, it goes back to personal accountability. With over 1/3 of Americans either overweight or obese, its no wonder insurance companies are in the position they are in. Americans are as unhealthy as ever, its no wonder insurance companies aren't being held accountable, because Americans aren't even holding themselves accountable for their own actions. Insurance is a calculated gamble, plain and simple. Tell me, would you go to the horse track races and put down $100 on the fattest horse you could find in the field? Didn't think so. Take care of yourselves, and you can mitigate most of your health issues.
  20. Dems, Republicans, Independents, whoever. Those same 26 points that were swinging for Obama, just swung against him. If that wasn't a referendum on the current administration, and their legislation, idk what is. It couldn't be any more clear.
  21. They aren't trying to rush it through before Scott Brown is seated. If the dems. were to pull a dick move, it would be to work day and night to get this passed so they could use their supermajority in senate to ram it through. Obama said he wouldnt do it, and Dingy Harry Reid said he wouldnt do it. And for this I am grateful. My bet is that it never passes.
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