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Posts posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. Yeah the only other person close to that is Anderson Silva. Now Machida said last week after he defends his belt 5 times he wants to fight Brock for the "challenge".


    If Machida shows up focused Rua is going to be stuffed into the hurt locker.



    Machida would get destroyed by Brock.

  2. I mean what do you expect, a 2 hour movie based on a 14 line book.


    Spike Jonze could have used his creative license to make better movie. Instead, he thought it would be better to write a steaming pile of shit about some emo monsters, themed to some shitty indie music.

  3. i would assume its safe to say he didnt hear 100% of the whole conversation no.. but he didnt pull the gun out for her... he pulled it out when the guy was coming after him. if that matters? i dunno these laws



    If not for defense of her, he has the Duty to retreat. Like get the fuck out of the area. It would be different if he were at home. That rule goes out the window in Ohio, as you have no Duty to Retreat your home.

  4. Page 21 from Ohio CCW manual:


    "The law specifically discourages citizens from taking matters into their own hands and acting as law enforcement agents. This is true even if the person thinks he is performing a good deed by protecting someone or helping law enforcement. The Ohio Supreme Court has rule that a person risks criminal charges if he interferes in a struggle and protects the person who was at fault, even if he mistakenly believed that person did not create that situation."


    Whiccchhh means stay the fuck out of that situation of defending someone else. Additionally, you need to meet the 3 conditions to use deadly force: 1.) Duty to retreat, 2.) Resonable belief of harm, and 3.) Defendant is not at fault.


    So, say they chick pulled up and started provoking, calling names to the 300lb dude. She is partially at fault. He beats the shit out of her, you approach and shoot his ass. Under the condition of "defendant is not at fault", you could be charged criminally for shooting him. Im guessing the guy with the gun heard 0% of the initial conversation, to determine who was at fault.

  5. I am pro CCW, but there are some serious ramifications, and wording in the law that prevents you from using your ccw to defend someone else.


    I think you have the obligation to take flight, get out of the area, etc. Now it may be a different story when the police show up. How they determine how things happen and word the report could change things...

  6. Hornshill Newark, Ohio. I can see the hill from my office window. Got some pretty nice trails if you are looking for a lil bit of a challenge.


    Been there, its nasty. My Trek Fuel EX8 felt inadequate at best. Its setup as a downhill course with some nasty hits, and drops. If you go, take a DH bike, or a DJ bike and have some skill....

  7. Anyone with a G35, or 350z ever braved the winter with one of these? Gf is going to experience her first winter driving a rwd car for the 1st time with this beast it looks like.


    Infiniti tried selling her some $2k package of tires, etc. Not sure if it included wheels or not. Can anyone at NTB confirm what a decent set of winter rubber will run for this thing? Just dont want her running these low pro's and taking out a guardrail...



  8. We should try and get a CR group to go


    If you are looking for certain parts, PM me. A friend of mine has a TON of shit laying around for either DH, or 26" dirt bikes like that. Id be down to go, dont have a bike right now. I could pick something up, or rent something though...

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