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Everything posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. Bidens unelectable basically, but will probably win
  2. Its called CR kitchen. Waiting on zoom mtg functionality widget. More surprised its 2020 and forums exist : |
  3. Jo3h bringin that BDE donny T energy. LFG!
  4. Yep. Im voting no on any spending measure on the ballot, wont even read the verbiage. Doesnt matter.
  5. Pls dont jinx the brand. Thanks.
  6. lol buick crossover since when did CR go to celebrating this type of behavior?
  7. could film porn with ur wife n upload it to pornhub communities
  8. how does one measure body fat? im talking at home, not trying to get in a water displacement tank or anything..
  9. i got them all into the ground this weekend. took a full 3 hours just to get them all in. not counting the time it took to till the bed, etc. the garden is quite a site. can't wait until the plants get some size on them. unbelieveable how much time i have invested into this already. i think i may investigate trying to sell to restaurants. my yield is going to be borderline ridiculous.
  10. let me take a count tonight and ill let you know... i forget how many of those i have...
  11. Ok so I tilled my bed up last night. We are looking at about a 15 x 19 plot. I am essentially giving each pepper 3.18 sq ft, based on some calculations I did. (selling some plants, accounting for some loss, planting some in containers, etc). I need to rake the bed and I HOPE to get some of them into the ground this weekend, if not all. I think we are past the risk of frost.
  12. might need to thin my jalapeno heard... lol. i may end up selling some of them (cheap) to selectively grow only what i can completely use. i also may trade for some tomato plants.
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