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Everything posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. I play Xbox, play basketball and lift weights to pass the time. What do you do?
  2. bravo OP you are a dumbass. i can tell from your location.
  3. you know you're a car guy if you make you know your a car guy if threads
  4. http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/430672_372346962795481_288768944486617_1439260_2020626398_n.jpg
  5. back injuries suck bad. sorry paul thats still an issue for you.
  6. thats what im sayin. I think i read that it takes 1 week to gain 1/4 or 1/2lb of muscle.
  7. when i went and bought my skis a month ago, the dude said "what do you weigh, like 165?" lul, go up 30lbs buddy. i am as clueless as you joe. idk where all the weight hidin.
  8. Lets hear some current stats and goals. Hopefully your new years resolutions haven't died already. Stats: Been working out the last month or so, weighed myself this AM and I am still fat as fuck: 191lbs. Goals: Abs Shred to 170-175lbs Run some 5k's Ride some races Go to pool un-embarassed Fuck a woman on the back of a jet ski
  9. Diet: Breakfast: chicken breast Mid morning: redline fat burner Lunch: can of tuna, 1 cracker Mid afternoon: redline fat burner Din din: clenbuterol The tuna will help you hit ur macros, the clen will help the fat get off its high horse.
  10. that s50 car is on ohio bimmers. already saw it. sick interior but the rest is behhh.
  11. i liked afterglow, but that shit is only for the baller :fuckyeah:
  12. ive never timed my p2 average. probably slow cause ppl I ride with wanna stop and clean their vaginas.
  13. toning out co-workers the drop on that first one is a face melter
  14. leave eric alone. he is a physical enigma. while large in stature now here are his previous accomplishments: 1. Once ran the boston marathon backward 2. Hiked the Appalachian Trail in nothing more than sketcher shape ups and a singlet 3. Has the most facebook friends of anyone here
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