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Everything posted by AWW$HEEET



    I went to the tracy garner method place and di the hot yoga. Man that shit will mess you up.
  2. I ski a lot and fear this. Makes me wanna jack my bindings way down. But agressive skiing is the only skiing imo. I also ran w a kid in college, had a meniscus tear one year during track or xc, doctor removed almost all of it, and he was still able to bang out 50 miles/week. Probably will have bad arthritis later on, but might as well beat it up while ya got it.
  3. I know you are but what am I.
  4. Wags be real you are the biggest troll on this site. Hiding behind the guise of racing that beat fbody, when all you really do is ruin good threads w random gifs.
  5. Phil get fukd you are an idiot in a sea of idiots
  6. Who brought this thread up? This shit died in july. I no longer drink.
  7. Sorry, I just read your post. I must not have responded becase you are a shitbird.
  8. I knew I could count on all you faggets to ruin my thread
  9. That's got some farkas -like rake
  10. Ok so I had my second cr dream ever last night: I bought a black 6L goat, it was a Friday night, and I knew shit was poppin off. I txtd phil, and he said meet at this random warehouse, so I get there and there's already a ton of cr ppl. Bunch of ppl there, some randoms too. Phil walkin around aranging races, I say I only wanna run for $20, I don't know my car too well, so he took my money and marked it on his clip board. Some ppl bring their shit on a trailer, etc. Did see a sick C3 vette murdered out w cowl hood, cool shit. Its time to roll to the location, so patterson asks if he can ride w me, I say sure, for the cost of a handjob. So we get to this grove city ass back ass location w a 2 lane road, but this shit is in someones back yard. Phils like "its cool, its cool, dude isn't home". So I'm like aight, but imsittin close to the main road in case dude comes home. We setup races, etc, when all of a sudden, hillbilly homeowner rolls up on an atv with a shotgun. "WUT U BOYS DOIN MY YARD". I'm like uhhh,I don't know. "U been drinkin boy" uh no, I haven't. "SEEMS LIKE U WANNA DRINK, WELLL... IMMA BRING MY KEG, MAKE U DRINK IT ALLLLL"? So I'm like fuckk, I need to leave. Old dude is gonna make us drink like the dude drinkin oil in fast and furious. He leaves, then fuckin patterson dips out in my car (fagget), so I try to jump on this motorcycle (dualsport) but it won't kickstart. FUUUUU. Then I woke up. So phil is a shitbird. Not only on real life, but in dreams too. Thanks for takin us to some sketch ass location.
  11. Get some CAO's and some acids. Good smokes, not too harsh.
  12. Looks like those same 2 kids just got brought in on murder charges too.... http://www.abc6onyourside.com/shared/newsroom/top_stories/videos/wsyx_vid_16310.shtml
  13. i am still confused why that black man is holding a vase....
  14. Meanwhile at phils house: http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/13/Leprechaun.jpg
  15. sprayed and s/c'd and still gets buslinked.
  16. http://cdn.uproxx.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Picture-101.png
  17. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/002/526/99problems.jpg
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