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Everything posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. november rain, pay particular attention to Slash, melting some faces at 7:25
  2. http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRe2XYfm73wjP-IL1a0OGhkWS2DK9jbI1N4pms1cI4QXEINnCjp_qY2CTST
  3. ben, do they change it based on new purchase price too? say a home is listed and auditor appraised at $500,000. you buy it for $400,000. is that evidence enough to go to the auditor at that point and have the taxes lowered?
  4. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=388&pictureid=2790
  5. http://www.justpistols.co.uk/cqb_001.jpg
  6. does the supreme court have any recourse on this?
  7. Not ur fault, he is just that big of a piece of shit.
  8. Doesn't work like that. The hondatech threads date back to as recent as last month. He's been scamming people as recently as that.
  9. So, you are saying this scammer had full and unbridled access to your phone lines, paypal account, and mailbox for 4 years. Am I hearing this correctly, Roy?
  10. probably a mandate from the hipster vegan crowd
  11. you wouldn't believe what some people are subjecting their throats to these days. just thought i could help.
  12. i wonder if our founding fathers knew this was going to happen, and they left the second amendment in the constitution as a deadmans switch, knowing one day we would have to start anew.
  13. between this and the patriot act, idk what to say.
  14. fuck him up like a man? dude stole your wallet and you are here asking for advice?
  15. Hey roy, you should just set the record straight, right about now. Just tell the truth.
  16. Can we change the thread title to... "I was wrongfully framed (long story)"
  17. I am pretty perplexed myself drew. It just keeps getting deeper...
  18. So... The laptop story was made up, and the honda story you were framed, over the period of 2 years, with multiple scams?
  19. roy, this u bro? http://hondamarketplace.com/showthread.php?t=2637808 pretty shady.
  20. connect fourrrr http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/5103F3DHQ0L._SL500_AA300_.jpg
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