Finally got another bike after selling my FJR a few years ago. Nice bike. Very light and nimble, super smooth, tranny is silky. I'm very impressed and happy with my choice. The only bad part was I had to pick it up 3 hours away a little north of Columbus. Forecast today was 65 and scattered thunderstorms, at least the last I saw. Well, it never got above 53 (that I can tell) and it POURED about 45 mins into the trip. I don't exactly have rain gear since I normally avoid riding in the rain like the plague and I got thoroughly soaked, not to mention half frozen. My wife was in the car following me so we stopped off at the outlet mall where I proceeded to purchase an entire new outfit plus some rain gear items at Eddie Bauer. We waited about 4 hours for the bulk of the rain to dissipate and I rode the rest of the way home. Fun day. Because it was rainy, I didn't really get to see what she really has...can't wait until tomorrow. Now the farkling begins...urban brawlers (black) for the exhaust and a Muzzy's fender eliminator to start. I see new mirrors in my future as well because you can't see shit out these. Crappy cell phone pic but I was cold and tired and it was getting dark.