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Mj 88

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Everything posted by Mj 88

  1. Mj 88

    Thanks crf69

    It has been a long day picking up parts, selling my house, and working all day! Lol. I will post some riding videos when I get some time. At this rate maybe next year.
  2. Mj 88

    Thanks crf69

    I just wanted to say thanks again for the deal on the parts. This is my first meeting/dealing with an OR member and I can't be happier with the friendly and honest OR member that I met today. If you get a chance to meet or work with crf69 you'll be met by a pretty cool guy. Also, how can I give him +rep? Now it looks like you'll have to change your thread from street fun to dirt fun! Maybe next time we'll have time to ride or drink a few beers.
  3. Congrats. I like the reception hall. Is that a Waco?
  4. 50mph!? What gearing are you running? I'm surprised this has not sold. What about parts?
  5. Mj 88

    No caption

    I would kill for a ride in a F-14-15-16-18-22. Long time dream.
  6. Not the best way to start the week. This sucks!
  7. Do not eat! I'm not sure the name of them but I have looked them up and they are bad. Pinkies are coming up right now and will into the fall. You may find them in your yard.A fresh pinkie is white on top and pink underneath. Not so fresh it will be a little more brown on top and underneath but it will still be ok to eat. If they are dark underneath with no pink they are bad. The pinker and more round the better.
  8. All bike's. I think $100 but after that it is $50. If you tell him mike j sent you he may give you a deal.
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