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Mj 88

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Everything posted by Mj 88

  1. At least he didn't cross the double yellow and he was wearing some gear. Why would you let the newbe lead? Never mind I made that mistake once, never again!
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tieA5wfcgH4&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  3. +1 on this^ Welcome! There is Hatfield McCoy in WV. I'm going next month so I can let you know how it is if you would like.
  4. I thought he had the dog for sure. Even on the gopro some of those spots looked tight.
  5. Thanks for dibs, I'm still Broke! I can't believe you still have the bike. Somebody buy this bike!!! If it looks half as good as the rims do, it would be a steal. Good luck.
  6. It looks like you'll fit in just fine. Welcome!
  7. This works for me too. Nice clean sound with not much wind noise.
  8. If this doesn't make you want to get out of the house, I don't no what will. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xfpU0yIpG4&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  9. ^This sounds good to me. Now we just have to talk Ohiobob into getting some leathers.
  10. I-Zapp, It'd be nice to find a track with a dirt section in Ohio, but I don't think that's going to happen. Both mine are plated and geared 14/43 or 44. I can cruise 70-75 comfortably and top out at 95-105. I think I might be alright on a bigger track but I don't know because I've never been on one.
  11. How is Beaver Run for supermotos? I plan on riding G&J, Circleville and Beaver Run this year.
  12. Sorry not much with the help supermoto school. But some of us are going to do some track days. If you're interested I can let you know when and where. Also, I haven't forgotten about the parts, I just haven't had time to mess with them.
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