I don't have any issues of my own to resolve. Let's say I were to screw farm animals or smear peanut butter on my balls and let the dog lick it off. You would find it odd and say I have a disorder because it is not the norm. It's a choice if I were to choose to do these things. I'm not saying homosexuality is a disorder or anything like that. Like a poster above said humans are not born with a sexuallity concept. I'm sure if you told yourself enough times for a long enough period you would believe you are gay. Humans can be pre conditioned by their surroundings. Homosexuality I belive is a 60/40. The 60 choose to be gay while the other 40 are actually gay. Of the 60 many of these have probably found comfort being around the same sex and start to have an attraction for the same sex. Btw I have friends that are gay I do not treat them any different than I do my other friends I have. I have no problems if you are gay or straight or purple or blue. And all the friends I have that are homosexuals they do not believe that all homosexuals are truly homosexuals. They believe that some have chosen to be homosexuals