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slingingchic last won the day on March 17 2013

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About slingingchic

  • Birthday 05/07/1978

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  • Vehicles(s)
    99 Honda Shadow

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  1. They made it to the final vote to earn the trophy! Thank you everyone for getting them there. They actually play today in Brookville, playing for their first title in NEWTON history! If they win today they will be playing for state. This is the new voting link (closes March 18) http://www.jjhuddle.com/2015/02/26/ohio-national-guard-jjhuddle-ohio-hs-girls-basketball-team-of-the-year-vote-now-3/
  2. They are! Thanks everyone for voting.
  3. Did the arrows come up showing where the portals are? Maybe the app needs updated? I haven't played since getting iPhone. Looks like I will have to install and start dominating Sidney...90210 again. I've been sitting at level 8, time to level that shit up. You'll be able to link down to here eventually. This game involves road trips too... We've met some cool people along the way.
  4. Okay this made me giggle, didn't you get in trouble for doing 'government work'? Uh, no freedom in a weeks pay dear!
  5. http://www.daytondailynews.com/news/news/local/motorcyclist-goes-through-vans-back-window/nhyFf/?nmredir=true#__federated=1
  6. First shift? Maybe your brother can come back, nah! :-)
  7. Depending on their handicap they can work in a fast food place. I employed a few when I managed a pizza place, they can only work so many hours to keep their benefits and they have to have a job coach with them until they're trained and comfortable enough to be left with the crew. The job coach will come back and check up once a week and then if there's any issues we report it to them. When there are incidents, basically the job coach terminates their employment with you. Out of 3 only 1 was let go for acting out and I felt bad for her because I felt like she knew better.
  8. This here just adds to more reason to sell mine. Don't need my kids burying me just yet. Too many fucktard drivers in our area!
  9. The kids and I only get to see my husband on weekends, going is too much for me.
  10. If my kids aren't in high demand of needing my attention I may go, could possibly be the last though. Considering selling my bike.
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