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Posts posted by CephasGT

  1. Just a couple months ago i was dreading doing 8min run or whatever it was and praying for the walk interval. Now i can do 5k without being totally out of gas at the end.

    I will definatley look into proper shoes once that time comes. Thanks for the tips!

    There's an Up and Running store in downtown Troy that should be able to help you out, too. I've talked to their people a number of times at races and such, and they seem pretty good.

  2. They started allowing camping this year. No charge for it, so far as I know. If you (or your wives!) decide to opt out of that though, there are a lot of decent hotels in the area. I've stayed at the TravelLodge that's pretty close to the track and had no problems. It's not great, but it's clean enough, and cheap.

    Best to come between about mid-May and late August. Mid-Ohio is basically garbage in anything resembling wet conditions, including cool mornings with dew on the track. Hate to have you come all that way and toss the bike down the track.

    As far as Tards, it wouldn't be my first choice for MO, but I suppose you could get away with it. The back straight is pretty fast.

    There isn't much to do in the area of MO honestly, at least not that I'm aware of. The track itself is nice though, with some rolling hills and trees and such, so it's not bad for a picnic? I dunno what else they'd do...

  3. Sweet! PM me your info (Name, number, address, email) and I'll get your info put on the list!

    This is gonna be an awesome time. Hopefully, if it goes well, we'll have two fringe benefits. The first is that the Air Guard will start helping to fund the STAR military days, and the second is that the STAR school might start making Mid Ohio a regular stop!

  4. (Cross posted from The Daily Ride, wasn't sure it was reaching its intended audience there)

    Specifically, any that would be interested in a free track day/school at Mid-Ohio this fall?

    The wing safety chief at my base and I are working with the Ohio AG for Air to try and get in on Jason Pridmore's STAR Guard days. The Army National Guard owns them presently, but we want in. First though, we have to convince the guys who control the money at State that it's a good idea. That's where you come in.

    Within the next few weeks, Pridmore and Greg White will be coming to Mid-Ohio to demo their school during the 1 Oct rider appreciation day. Officials from State will be there to see how it runs, and we need 8-10 Air Guard members who are willing to ride all day at Mid-Ohio for free, receiving some world-class instruction.

    I took the school earlier this year at Blackhawk Farms, and I can tell you it's absolutely top notch. You will definitely leave a better rider.

    If you're interested, please let me know as soon as you can, so I can get your name into the coordination process. Thanks!

  5. Many dogs can be good training partners but they have to train like the humans. On one message board someone said they had done several 10k runs with their chihuahua :eek:

    That's no joke, either! My dog is a 75 lb lab mix, in great shape. We run all the damn time, and I usually the one slowing him down. But that 5k we did for the shelter, there was this little terrier thingy that just SMOKED us! You wouldn't believe how fast his little legs were moving!

  6. Oh I dunno, my dog is a pretty good training partner, so long as it isn't too hot. He'll do five miles without a problem at a pretty good clip. He's not average, I suppose, but I did a 5k earlier this year for a local animal shelter, and there were a whole lot of dogs there that were pretty impressive distance runners. Like everything else, they just have to be trained for it.

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