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Posts posted by CephasGT

  1. For a guy who had it planned out, his plan kinda sucks. Gets caught up in a shootout, tries to steal a boat and lets rope get tangled around the prop, shoots a couple people parked in a car....I'm guessing from here on out all his moves look suspiciously like a guy reacting instead of following a script.

    Or he's crazy like a fox. Too early to tell, but he's doing a fine job of letting the LAPD make themselves look just as stupid/corrupt as he painted them in his manifesto.

    Also, I know there's a lot of "internet badass" involved, but reading the comments on the articles about this, particularly from the LA Times, it's interesting how many people are cheering this guy on. At the very least, nobody really thinks the LAPD is squeaky clean in this whole fiasco.

  2. She's great with other dogs. I'd actually prefer if she went to a home with another young, energetic dog that she could play with. It'll help manage her energy. But she plays with our other two really well.

  3. Wasn't sure if I should post this here, or in the Marketplace, so I flipped a coin.

    My wife and I foster dogs for the Greater Dayton Labrador Retriever Rescue (and some times on our own). We've had the two dogs here for some time with no real prospects, so I thought I'd try posting them up here, to see if anybody might be interested.

    This is Lily. She's a total sweetheart. Very energetic, very people-centric, and very eager to do whatever you ask. She loves to play, has excellent recall, and has the best retrieve drive I've ever seen! She's been with us for some time now, and somebody needs to adopt her before we can't part with her! If you're looking for a great family dog, drop me a line and we'll arrange for you to meet her.


    This is our other foster, a local rescue we're calling Tinkerbelle (Tink, for short). A friend of ours picked her up as a stray, and we've been getting her fed, trained and up to speed on her vet stuff for the past few months. She loves to play, to wrestle, and to just hang out and chew a bone (or five!). She gets her stitches out from her spay surgery on Monday, and then she's ready to be adopted! Since she's our own private rescue, her adoption fee is highly negotiable, and only to help us offset what we've spent on her vet bills


  4. Haven't been riding nearly as long as some of y'all, but I've done my share of stupid/squidly.

    First bike, 2002 YZF600R. Never rode anything with two wheels and a motor. Bought it brand new, read the owners' manual, and then rode it off the showroom floor. Did a couple circles and figure 8s in the back lot of the dealer, then right onto I-70 and back to work. Terrified the whole way, going 50 mph between angry semi drivers. Should've died.

    Totaled that same bike 6 weeks later. On-ramp from downtown Dayton to US 35, ran wide, target fixated on a curb, highsided myself right into the middle of 35, downtown, on a Friday night. Didn't get run over, but did tear my right rotator cuff and all the skin off my right knee. Should've died.

    Got my brand new shiny R6 in September of 04. Did the dump-it-in-the-garage-because-you-didn't-put-the-kickstand-down-all-the-way thing once. Horrified enough at the scratches on my shiny new bike that I could've died.

    Went, in full, Yamaha-branded leathers, down to the UD parking lot with my squiddy friends so we could try to drag knee. In 2nd gear. At 30 mph. Mostly trying to impress the token girl among our little group. I was the only one even wearing leathers. Lost the front on a random piece of duct tape and lowsided. Embarrassed enough to have died on the spot.

    Out in the middle of nowhere one night, 4 lane highway, racing my buddy on his 05 R6. Winding through the top of 6th, side by side with my buddy. A Cobra in front of us had just finished a race and cut a tire, and was pulling off to the side. The closing speed was so fast it didn't register. Just missed his side mirror at the last possible second. Never let off the throttle. Should've died a horrible, fiery death.

    Wasn't long after that I stopped riding on the street...

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