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Everything posted by Kmanlyst

  1. Same when the snow falls its either Xbox or my E-Maxx and Rustler VXL bashing time.
  2. it was a random generated name
  3. I also play on Steam rottenmeatgrinder
  4. Going to sit this one out guys,spending time with the wife and kids since she let me go to Hocking 2 weeks in a row.
  5. awesome pic's,man I wish that I had been riding this place after I got my bike....next season it is on,screw bike night I would rather do twisties in Hocking.
  6. Just got in from another Hocking Hills trip I may be out tonight.
  7. Built-in Wi-Fi... yes please!
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ola0vhnG-a4&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  9. Lol damn Hellmutt beat me to it could always use a 3rd camera.
  10. its all good Brandon I am never fully awake until at least noon.
  11. I meant were are you and I meeting to ride up?
  12. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he expects to wake up. Ironically, that's not far from the truth.
  13. Do what I do and wait for the updates and just show up lol
  14. Thanks,getting familiar with my new editing software.
  15. One of a few videos I will be posting from the Hocking Hills ride Brandon,Ryan and I went on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ola0vhnG-a4&feature=plcp
  16. Count me in! had a blast last time, even though I am slow as hell lol.
  17. Latest 20.13 (13.13) The jump broke another record too! More than 7.1 million people tuned into YouTube for updates. 20.00 (13.00) He achieved the fastest ever freefall speed at 706mph during the four minutes and 19 seconds of free, according to spokesman Sarah Anderson, but she confirmed that he did not set a new record for the longest freefall. 19.53 (12.53) Felix Baumgartner did break the sound barrier, a spokesman has just confirmed.
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