had to flip the vid so it was upright and chopped everything off, got it figured out for next time tho heres the vid, lol got the cop car in the vid dizzle lol nice.
my cam died before we got to the twists lol, i got a clip of the fast group passing and the beginning of the ride tho, ill edit it up and send it your way once i post it. cam was dead by the time we got to the restaurant.
thanks hellmutt, people definitely see me coming. probably the brightest bike in central ohio lol which is good most times but bad at some times too. yea def need battery for shenanigans
made it home, good time, ill get some vids uploaded of the medium paced group. lol fiji fun day bro, wish the cams would of been on towards the journey back
I looked at the roster and almost everyone has a returner or 2 , is suggest going and grabbing a few out of free agency if u want more. All depends if ur willing to take a shot on a return or kickoff game, may be huge points or a major bust
It's correct, our league gives points for return yards and a bunch of um lol kinda makes u a hit or miss if u choose to use a returner could win by a lot or loose by a lot . goodluck everyone