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Posts posted by blue-yamaR6s

  1. Congrats!!!  That is a great saw...I have the same one as well.  I have had it about 10 years now come to think of it.  I did have my local dealer put the better chain on it to make it a meat eater!!!  I have not had any real trouble with it.  I cut a lot of wood every year to burn in the wood stove.  I sometimes wish it had a bigger bar on it.


    My Dad has a McCullough and cannot get carburator parts for it.  Runs like a dog without it.  Actually cannot use it at all. 

  2. Nice pics!!!  Was there in June.  Brings back the good memories.  I recently read an article that Magic Kingdom had to turn away park goers on New Years day b/c the park was at capacity.  They gave them free meal vouchers and they could go to another one of the less crowded parks.  The crowds are large during the holidays b/c the kids are all out of school.  I heard that some of the lines were 5 hours wait that day!!!  I love WDW but not the crowds.  The best rides are test track and Soar'n.  Those lines get extremely long.  Glad you had a great time.  Hope you didn't have to wait in any of those long lines!

  3. I got the bike out, started it up and let it run a bit. Doesn't count but it made me happy to hear the vroom vroom



    Too much salt on the roads for me

    Me too!!!  Wanted to ride but just a bit too much salt where I live.  Started it up and let her run a bit to wet my palette and make me want to ride... :cry:

  4. Live 20 minutes away and it's sad to see it waste away to nothing.  The Sea World side is now Wild Water Kingdom and they only use less than half the original park.  The Wave pool is where the Shamoo Stadium used to be.  I had many friends who used to work at both parks during the summer.  Took a girl on a date there too in high school.  I think Cedar Fair (Cedar Point) bought it and the eventually closed it.  That's one way to do it. :killerkenny:

  5. I got out this evening for a short errand run and to snarf down appetizers with coworkers. 45-50 degrees was not bad at all with insulated gear, a full helmet and a balaclava.


    Ha, I am not the only one...yeah...got out this evening before the sun went down for a quick 10 mile run around the neighborhood.  42* when I got back home and all bundled up but not as cold as I thought I'd be.  I use a neck warmer that I have when I go skiing with full leathers, under armor gear and even a tight skin head cap under the helmet and double gloves.  Weather looks bad the next couple weeks.  Might be the last run for me.  Would not want to do too many miles like this w/o heated gear b/c hands usually get cold first, but nice ride.

  6. After doing yard work and getting ready for company later, it was a quick 25 miles for me but it was too windy to enjoy it very much.  Don't like those cross breezes and head winds when they are that strong.  Otherwise, perfect ride.

  7. My brother is terrible with money. He's always fucking broke and he makes more money than I do. After repeated installments of good intention, he came to us one more time for money. I told him I would not loan him another dime, but would sit down with him and draw up a budget that he could live with. It involved selling his car and limiting a plethora of other non-essentials. He told me, in no uncertain words, to go fuck myself. We rarely speak to this day.


    "If you loan a friend $20, and you never see that person again.... it was a good investment."

    Interesting topic...My brother has been doing this to me and my family for a very long time now.  All the money that I have ever given to him I never got back. He has never paid anyone in my family back that I know of.  It's kind of made bad blood in the family.  My parents have enabled and let him get away with it because they beleive his BS stories of everything under the sun and why he needs it.  One place he recently worked "couldn't pay him for months because they couldn't make payroll," so he needed money.  When he came to me for money I set up a budget for him to follow and he basically said F-you like others have had happen.  He always has money for his cigarretts, beer and spending money for his girl friends but has no intentions of paying anyone back.  I won't do it anymore.  He knows not to ask me for money.


    I say, if it's family be prepared to never get it back.  Family always thinks they can keep a running tab.  It's one thing to help someone but to enable them to keep making bad decisions is another.

  8. Yep, great afternoon for riding today!!!  Got 50 miles in.  Smaller ride in last Sunday when it was in the upper 40's towards evening.  That's getting a little too cold to enjoy.  Days like today make the ride so much more enjoyable.  Early in my ride, I did see 3 small deer ahead of me cross the road so I drove with that on my mind the whole time looking for deer.

  9. It's a long shot, but write letters to the cable company and get hold of a regional manager to listen to your request for service.  This worked for me but we had cable internet running all around us but the cable company to service us thought we were Amish and they would not reap the benefits of spending 250K on running fiber optic to the Township to light it up.  They were wrong.  We had people stopping the installers in the field to get hooked up when they finally ran the lines and couldn't keep up with the installations.  Grant it to them, there are Amish neighbors (communities) to our north that they spent a lot of money to install the infrastructure and they did loose money on that one but we don't have hardly any Amish in our Township.  ideally, they want so many houses to recoup the cost for installation.


    Until then, I used a Virgin Mobile hotspot and paid $40 per month but it finally got really slow and frustrating to use that service since they were upgrading the network hardware.

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