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Posts posted by Medina

  1.  I run from Medina to Punxy (45 minutes distance to knox give take +-5) ALL the time. Like once a month, sometimes more depending on our schedules.

    I've taken 322 more or less, 422 more or less...and half a dozen side roads- you know left right, left right left right just eating up miles.

    but always wind up hawling 76, to rt. 82  to 36

    you could take..what, 480 to 43 to 305 to 62. I have a dozen times simple headed east and meandered that way


    Its 2:45 humping from door to door (me/punxy). Scenic routes add upwards of an hour, and with whats waiting for me, I'd rather stare at boring hardtop and close the distance than ride.

    I've learned to enjoy the slab. I do 75-80, blast the radio, lean back on the backrest, use the throttle lock when possible, even with atgatt, I'm comfortable. I worry less about some deviant cager slopping two wheels into my lane hurrying down two laners. Parts of 422, and 322 are nice cruising. But if you're trying to point a point b...76, 80, 208

    Now, once in Pa...man, oh man, millions of miles of outstanding roads. 


    edited for route number screw up

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  2. She then says that they want to avoid that at all costs, and that the claims investigators would be in contact with me.

    dont know you from Adam, glad you're more or less ok.

    bikes are cheap, I have the same 'wing' broken off (now encased in a 4x7mm layer of something that startled the MRI guy) I'm 55 its sometimes a problem, maintain your mobility at all costs, do exactly what the therapist says, and push it. 


    insurance companies....so many reports on the amount of money they will spend so as NOT to pay out. 

    read 8 pages, and now am going to call my insurance company and request a copy of exactly wtf my policy is, and is not, or may, or may not be. 

    insurance companies....pfffft... gieco came under fire for those little cars that race out to an accident to give you a check? seems when you deposited the check, that was. end. of. story. Seemed cool at the time, but saved them millions in additional claims. 

  3. i would love to do it. but all of the classes for franklin county are full, and iron pony costs $200.

    your insurance winds up being cheaper, and you'll learn things.

    i've started riding in 78

    I unlearned something

    I used to lay my fingers on top of the brake/clutch levers, decades old bad habit.

    No more, took some discipline. 

  4. I would also recommend taking the MSF and you get your endorsement at the end of the class. 


    MSF do it

    dont think twice

    do it.

    study NHS what kills motorcycles (#1 cars turning left in front of you)

    study what causes motorcycle accidents

    keep your head on a swivel.

    the two accidents I've had....1) chasing seagulls in a parking lot 2) chasing a dirtbike on my chopper offroad 

    Live your first year and your odds triple the following season (insurance stats, not mine)

    decide if you're going to be an organ donor. (or wear a helmet)   :banana: 

  5. Weather permitting I might make a run down there Monday, holiday and all. Depends, weather and traffic...high number of dumb to car ratio out that day sometimes.

  6. I've had sport bikes, sport touring bikes and touring bikes.

    Sport touring are good for one up, getting errands done, but nothing, and I mean nothing eats highway up like a goldwing or bmw or harley set up for touring.

    I evolved from sport to touring gradually. If I had garage space, I'd get something sportier, but loving the Wing I have now.

    Some touring bikes suck unless you're on the highway, like GL1800's big harley baggers.

    this one does fine around town, and exceptional on the highway- I went with the GL1200 for those reason, not $$

    Over the last year(s) I'm more fond of touring Ohio's country side and sneaking into Pa. Posture on a sport-touring bike kills me after a while, I just quit scraping pegs thats all ;)

    just my .02, your mileage may vary

  7. Rode down there one day for the heck of it.

    Sales man edit: Dan houser sp? Amazing. Dropped 600 bucks and had intentions of spending around 2ish for a helmet.

    Slick set up, oil changes, tire changes, etc WHILE you wait...the catch being.......you have to go inside...where..you'll spend MORE money.

    I'll be back, but likely order online.

    Hell of a helmet selection. I called, asked, the guy at first laughed- yes, we have quite a few. How many I asked, a chuckle and he said.."about a thousand on the floor, but only about 40 different styles"

    If you need a helmet, THATS a great place to try them on.

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