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Posts posted by Medina

  1. I think it's time we installed brick launchers on our bikes.


    you might be onto something. bees. they are tiny and most folks walk around their yards very carefully. right?

    why, cause they got the shit stung out of them, thats why. Did it take twenty, or ten or ever four bees to learn that? 

    NO, it did not. I think all it would take would make an example out of a few cagers and they'd start looking a hell of a lot more carefully. 

  2. sprint is what i want... but i can't do shit unitl our contract is up... 


    ah.......how bad you want out? My name is legendary and I'm sure a few of my calls on are training videos for new employees at call centers on how not to get manipulated. 

    Start calling every other day to complain. make shit up. dropped calls, you hear voices, you're getting echo's,  if you flush the toilet the bars drop to zero, no bars, you can't receive calls in your basement (my favorite as to date, no one mentions you can not get service in your basement in a call area) after a week, ask to talk to a supervisor as the low level minions can not help you. Do NOT bitch about the phone!! You love it after all.  Just the service!!! make sure who you talk to is recording it (ask, make sure they are keeping track of your calls)


    rinse lather repeat and at some point after a week of this, ask if they are unable to fulfill your end of the agreement (you pay on time etc) you want out of your contract. 

    They may offer a better phone to keep you on, or a new phone to resign a contract. dont waver, be polite.

    I think the longest it took me with Verizon was 3 weeks. Then I went with ATT...then verizon purchased me back, and now I have verizon again..wtf..but, I have ATT's contract grandfathered in- 750 minutes, unlimited after hours weekends for...wait... 36 bucks a month! Two years now, no contract with with verizon they are stuck at that price. 

    But persistent, pestering complaints will get you out of most contracts- they start losing money dealing with you. 


    • Upvote 1
  3. ..........yeah.......................... :gusta:




    three cars in front, no cars behind me.......a mile or more till the next car.I know, cause I looked!....behind me.....two lane 50mph, a white SUV comes FLYING across the berm out of a business parking lot, and cuts  (nice move really, sort of like a cross between the A-team and  NASCAR) in behind the car......in.....front....of.....me.....


    Now I get to read that fucking bumper sticker, till I can safely get around them. I only had to down shift, hit the brake and knock 15mph off my cruise speed. I'm pretty sure she never saw me, nor her idiot man friend in the front seat. 

    head on swivel, I saw her, always do..well, always have-so far.

    Always look at their wheels to see if they are stopped or start rolling. Was taught to check for eye contact in driving school..but thats not the case, they look right at you anyhow. Car wheels dont lie. 

  4. helmets: you know where that hardware is on the sides, that your shield attaches too?

    I have, in the past, loosened those screws and played with them to tighten the tolerance between helmet and shield. 

    I had a Bell (the OP) and the wind noise was horrid. Wanted a new helmet, but thought I'd paint it first (helmet fit well, wasn't banged up, thought if I painted it, I could live with it a bit longer) 

    Part of the masking process I unscrewed that hardware- after painting, put it all back together and the gap was BIGGER..wtf...

    Taking a look I loosened them, forced them rearward and tightened. One side too tight-sheild wouldn't close all the way..wtf again.. messed around and got that plastic shield very tight against the foam lip/seal.....way quieter- 

    Your mileage may vary: worked for me, might be a worthwhile look

    in the last year I noticed my shoei has gotten louder- the top vents dont seem to be closing. going to see if I can tweak those. anyhow just my .02

  5. Find a website specific to your bike, search there for tips-tricks problems specific to your bike (mine has a problem, the foot pedal also works the front opposite caliper and bleeding them can be a biotch)

    Do replace the fluid minimally every two years- its cheap, I flush mine out yearly. 

    Do NOT  contaminate those new pads with anything- while the bike is on a stand, spin the wheel and drag 400 grit paper over the disc to clean and remove any glazing-wipe down after

    after bleeding, as mentioned, go easy around the block.

    its an easy job on most bikes and save a ton of money. Not enough mechanics will spend the time YOU will looking for problems. 

    WHILE you're in there look for other things wrong, cracked brake lines, weeping connections etc. 

  6. ' him: 'well lets take some pics of this bike...'

    badoomtish! LOL


    bravo to the OP for whatever mag she got onto. Girls on covers of mags are supposed to look like pieces of ass so they sell copies of the magazine, not sell gear. 


    tragically weird story about the photog. You'd think that would sort of be a life changer being related and all. 

  7. A relative in used car sales (many states away) said the industry took a hit in the balls when "cash for clunkers" came around. 

    Made good used cars soo scarce the price literally skyrocketed in a few weeks time.........and unlike gun buying panic, the price has only stayed high. 

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Car_Allowance_Rebate_System  Hmmm, who came with that crap idea...anyhow-

    I was fairly stunned when I went to sell my 86 turbo diesel extended cab, rusted to hell ford pickup.It did have newer tires, newer batteries, newer other "stuff"...but really,  I knew no one would pay a grand for it...the neighbor suggested strongly I ask 1800 for it...sold in a couple of hours for my asking price...unfeckingbeleevable.

    Guy drove up from columbus (to medina) walked around it, lifted the hood, checked the fluids, started it up, turned it off and asked for the title.

    I would HATE to try and buy a ride now for a grand or two grand budget price. 

  8. I'm going to the "Wilds" in Pa this weekend, was going to leave sunday night...I see my opening NOW...but crapall, laundry, work-gotta finish one job, make headway on another...least I got the yard done yesterday

    but I got squirrel, I see the opening and I just. want. to. bolt. 

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