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Posts posted by Medina

  1. Ok so heres a great fucking question. Why in the fuck were top secret designs held on computers that were able to access the internet? I bet the people who were responsible for those designs are in some serious shit now. 



    Defense dept IT people heads are gonna roll

    Stuxnet and variants. dont need direct access. 

    I read barry the chosen one will scold the chinese premier or someone later this week. prepare for reparations, apologies and promises never to do that again...

  2. Wow. I was on that road, being held up by the flatbed. About 8 cars back. (our rental cabin is another 5-10 minutes travel westbound on that road) The bike didn't look that bad. I mean, it really looked like a walk away. 

    I had no idea it was a fatal. Not going to tell my better half ether, she mentioned specifically that whole area looked like Gods Waiting room... I drove over the accident site half a dozen times last weekend, kept staring at the marks trying to guess what happened. 

    No skid marks from the car, I'd guessed they hit the curve too hot, over corrected- front tire started to lay down rubber, pegs caught, went down, flipped, now into oncoming traffic, other peg stuck in, rear tire left more rubber. no skidding tank towards oncoming traffic.

    Fatal? dam, less than 30mph

    did he have a rider? we saw a pink sweater or hoodie tossed onto the bike on back of the flatbed.

    Very sad, many tore up families this week. 



    Come on people RESPECT your bike for it can kill you if you don't   Riding careless and beyond your skills with no gear will injure or kill you



     THAT ^

    we saw so many riders out there this weekend, cruisers harleys, all fancy looking leather jackets-all sons of anarchyied up, no helmets, making poorly executed stops, turns, going thru the gears like they just the bikes. Saw more harley looking bikes than plastic crotch rocket types. At least the squids were full atgatt, and neoned up properly. 

  3. btw, the last time I saw a flapping saddle bag on a beater Harley...


    I pulled up along side in my Jeep and pointed at it and tried to communicate, on the freeway.

    He reached back quick and pulled out a hatchet and waved it at me and yelled something.


    I laughed at him... he was a funny guy.

    ah, classic harley bagger, they weight those side thingies down so they dont flap


     let me translate:

     he was trying to tell you that he had miscalculated the amount of ballast needed, and while grateful for your concerns and attempt at being helpful, he was aware of the slight lifting of his leather container device, and was going to remedy that upon successful return to his domicile. 

  4. I've owned pitbulls for the last 30 years, grew up with them, old-60 year old- photos have a pit here or there. 

    I used to go to the pound and pick one that seemed like it had some common sense. Last two got directly from pit rescue type shelters.

    Now...its like I'm a drug dealer convict looking to get a fighter..wth...I can sort of sympathize with the restrictions, but common sense should tell those folks they are going to do ...possibly...more harm than good with the anal exam required.  Next one will be a straight shelter. 

    Be a champ and drop off an 80 pound bag of cheap dog food to a shelter anyhow. 


    Your dog looks...........dam happy!

  5. ..or, do it yourself?

    its not impossible with the BULK* of cost on any paint job being prep (*taking it apart, sanding) spraying isn't that complex or expensive, then finish (*wetsanding buffing)

    If you're determined to drop it off, and pick it up shiny, then 800 would be fair, a grand or more (I'd want references) really wouldn't be out of line. Think about it...20 an hour for a skilled craftsman @ 20 hours is already 400 bucks-factor in electricity, paint, sand paper, wear on tools, insurance.. . I wouldn't trust anyone telling me they were going to take my bike apart, spray it, finish it, reassemble it for 300 bucks..oh hell no.

    I own a compressor, spot repair canister sprayer as well as air brushes. I've painted all kinds of things.

     -One time, a giant cardboard freezer box, two 100 watt light bulbs, a table fan I got for 5 bucks (cut a hole sort of jury rigged it to suck the spray OUT the back away from me) and did an ATV plastics I had. 

    multiple coats, allow proper dry time, then wet sand with 1200 grit, and respray with multiple clear coat, then wet sand and buff...I've seen amazing pro looking jobs with spray cans- hillbilly that lived next to me in florida used to do all sorts of things- changed my way of thinking

    google has zillions of movies and tips to accomplish the task in less than a week for less than a 100 bucks. 

  6. You are not far from the largest moto accessory store in the country, been to the Pony?


    Trying to find 4 hours to travel, and two hours to shop (I'm 55 adult male with a life) is beyond a pain in the ass......however!!! 

    the long term savings in finding things that FIT!!! is beyond worth it.  i.e. I never would have purchased this or that via website, but wth..it was there..in the same section...takes a minute to try it on and learn vs. staring at a website wondering

    stuff not on the website (opened crap, discounted stuff, discontinued crap I really never needed..but..really..it was so inexpensive wtf) I had planned on going today, but got a heads up they're closed. 

    Trying on things....sells.... the only I hate more than shopping is shipping something back!

  7. I have lots of video, but no way to edit it. My computer is to old and slow. I just video to watch later...and for winter when I can't.


    google "edit video online" 

    yes, it will upload slowly, yes it will download slowly, it will however edit it using someone elses processor and most have the ability to link to the edited vid,  vs. downloading then re-uploading to a site.

  8. This might be better compromise, about the same time, and sort of buffers the ohio part of it.

    the 303 route I'd forgotten about due to the amount of 35mph/traffic etc...    http://goo.gl/maps/mjnHz



    ok, done, the problem with doing a scenic to Punxy is crap, it adds an HOUR to my trip. I took this once and with unforeseen construction and an accident took nearly FIVE hours to get home...its not safe to do 10mph over the limit on a scenic, but 76/80...I'm going with the flow of traffic at 80, a few times we were in a pack of cages and semi's doing 85 from just outside Akron line to my exit. 2 hours 15 minute run, Fumes and the first gas station, but worth it. 

    http://goo.gl/maps/j0awR  vs. http://goo.gl/maps/U2CyC

  9. http://goo.gl/maps/sOCC5



    Here, I modified one of my runs to Punxy. Honestly the first 45 minutes is going to suck goat hair no matter what you do heading that way. Hence why I hit the hard pavement and get it over with, however once you get to/past Mogadore, its still good time and something to look at. Enjoy Youngstown, the combat zone, LOL.

    once past Y-town, its actually pleasant, very interesting country side.

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