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Posts posted by FourString

  1. First thought when I saw your comment was of disgust, read the article, and I actually have more respect for the filmmakers than I started with.


    Can't wait to see it. Thanks for posting this.



  2. Off topic a bit, but I drove my lowered 99 Civic Si on summer tires all winter with no major issues. When the snow was deep, I drove the Bronco. Neither got stuck, but going back south in a winter storm with the Si was nearly the most retarded thing I have ever done. I could barely move. Regardless of what anyone says, you DO need 4WD or AWD down there if you want to make it into any driveway. Up here, not so much. I could easily drive a 2WD vehicle year-round up here.
  3. I am in need of a body shop, and preferably on the east side. Bill was able to give me a solid lead of someone downtown, but for convenience, I would like to find someone on the east side if possible. I have tried several times to get in touch with Kevin, but with no success.


    I have seen so many janky repairs in the past that I want to stay away from. I'm not a fan of wood screws and orange peel. Quality > price in this case since I'm not paying for it. Any suggestions? If none, I will call Bill's contact next week.

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