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Everything posted by JackFlash

  1. We need more of these places. All bank tellers should be trained and armed. .
  2. Can't we just throw O'Bullshit and Putin in a cage together and get it over with so we can get this place back on track? .
  3. I think bar snake has to be pulled through with a wire (with effort and a lube) from the opposite end. I don't know about pulling it through clip-ons. .
  4. A bike she would be comfortable riding alone, in seat height, and a bike for two-up riding is not coming up on the radar in my Google search without leaning towards the cruiser category. Here is one place I looked around. http://www.visordown.com/features/10-best-motorcycles-for-women/22057.html .
  5. Wanna bring me down a FAZER 8? We can't get 'em down here, with faring on them. Big disappointment for me. .
  6. . Who, me? . See what happens when the forum gets a little boring? It's always good for a chuckle when you catch a few guys off guard. It's all in good fun. .
  7. I'll bet there was a smile behind that helmet when your photo was taken. .
  8. It's madness on two wheels! A great hooligan bike. Doesn't that Ohio Riders sticker add about 60 hp? . .
  9. The MSF course will be a breeze, and you will learn a lot. But, your learning doesn't stop there. They make you "Parking Lot" safe. It's up to you to apply what they teach you, on the streets. Search Google for riding tips and safe practices, then ride with some experienced riders. You will learn a lot just riding with others. The Buell Blast and the Suzuki GS 500 are both great starter bikes. You don't need to upgrade from them, but will probably want to after riding for two or three years, and once you've become a better rider. Don't be in a hurry to get a hotter bike. It's all about the journey. The Kawasaki Ninja 250, and the newer 300 are both great bikes to start with, and also highly recommended. Many others will tell you you'll be fine starting on a 600 if you keep your senses about you. The 600's are much closer to racing bikes than an auto off the showroom floor is to a race car. Those things will kill you before you can blink if you are careless and overly confident. Do yourself a favor and start on something similar to what I suggested, for the first couple of years. They will also be much cheaper to insure. For example, my 500 is a couple hundred a year. The Ninja 1000 would cost me $750 a year, and I'm no young pup. Before I forget, start on a used bike. You are going to find your first bike laying on it's side on the road or parking lot, maybe more than once. It happens. Don't scuff up a bike you are making payments on. Dents, scuffs and scrapes, and broken plastic happens. We all have had to pick up a bike from the ground at one time or another. For any that haven't, they haven't been riding long enough. Get a bike with some wear so that you won't cry when you scratch it. The less plastic, the better, unless you just want to learn how to fix it later. How do I know? Don't ask. One more thing. Post a new question, asking about riding gear for a beginner, helmet, pants, jacket, gloves, etc. You will get professional level advice from those who have forgotten more, than I will ever know. . . .
  10. C'mon in. We're happy to have you join us. .
  11. How about pepper spray, and a ball bat? I would dump the crook in the woods. .
  12. Hide and watch. Thieves should be hanged in public. Every Wednesday, High noon, On the Courthouse Square, Bring a Lunch. .
  13. That happened to a friend. Get a locking cage. Get armor for the lines in and out. Get an alarm. Get good lighting. Put the AC on the roof. .
  14. The best thing for you to do is to find a large empty car park. Practice for one hour each day, starting and stopping with no gear shifting. Increase speed to 20 km/h then choose a place you wish to stop. Practice stopping and starting over and over. In one week you will be very good at the task. .
  15. I wish I didn't have to work. .
  16. I like the idea of the neighborhood getting together and ripping the camera's down and destroying them. .
  17. Cities have also been known to reduce the amount of time a light is yellow, for the purpose of generating more red light runners and collecting more money. That also causes more rear enders. There is a law in place that states how long a light must remain yellow. Somebody look it up and post it. Chillicothe was caught cheating people with shorter yellow lights and their city counsel knew it was happening, but failed to fix it. They are definately out to extract as much from your pocket as they can get by with. Here is some of their information. http://www.shortyellowlights.com/ChillicotheRLCStudy.pdf .
  18. JackFlash

    . .

    . http://youtu.be/518XP8prwZo .
  19. Ouch! That thing is 400 macaronies. Looks like a great unit. And, I suppose, I only need one. Hmmm...... .
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