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Posts posted by JackFlash

  1. The Epic Ride is complete.

    It was a good day.

    NinjaDoc made new friends

    from Michigan and they

    came to Ohio to share the

    enjoyment we find when

    riding the twisties.

    Doc is leaving us in June,

    for his new home but will

    always remain here, as a

    friend, in our hearts.

    Thanks for a good day, and

    good memories.




  2. Planning to have meet spot close to I70 to make it easier on a lot of peeps...

    I've no clue as to where anyone/everyone will be hanging out before or after the ride...

    ...we're about 4 short weeks away from liftoff so an effective itinerary needs to be in place soon!

    It would be good to see a plan starting to take shape and shared, even if all the details are not in place yet. Time will pass faster than you think and last minute information makes necessary changes harder to do.


  3. Riding will overcome fear, and develop skills and confidence. But still, respect for the machine's capabilities, and staying alert and thinking a step ahead in traffic will keep the fun factor at a high level. Be a smart rider and minimize risks.


    this video is just scaring the shit out of me...

    I just have to remember when I get this cbr 900 to not treat it like my katana-- I've witnessed a few wrecks with my buddies and it was either cornering too fast for their/bikes abilities, or not paying attention (gravel/rocks on the road).

    either way I'm a bit scared to ride after watching some of this

    • Upvote 1
  4. Actually, he extended a hand of friendship to anyone wishing to start a bike/car club in his neck of the 'hood. It was the broadsided ass raping he didn't take so well. He failed to see humor where humor was meant and he stomped away while calling names.

    Too bad. He could have added a new dimension to the forums from possibly an 'Eminem' point of view.

  5. Some of this could happen to any of us.

    Let's not be the one the next sad story

    is told about. We have people who love

    us, wives, girlfriends, husbands, children.

    Let's make sure we return back home to

    their loving arms after we get the bike out

    and take it for a spin.

    Ten minutes of this is more than enough to

    urge you to stay alert and ride with caution,

    and to not push your luck, especially among

    other vehicles.

    Ride safe, my friends. I don't want to witness

    anything tragic happen to any of us on any of

    our rides and have it permanently embedded

    in my memory. You don't have to be stupid

    or an idiot to have an unlucky day.

    Be careful out there.


  6. Public hangings used to be an event people would come from miles

    around to see. It was like a carnival atmosphere. I wish they would

    bring them back.

    Every Wednesday at high noon, on the court house lawn, come one,

    come all. Bring a lunch.


  7. With the advanced technology we have today, isn't there a slot under the seat that you slip your credit card into, and all problems are magically repaired for an appropriate fee?

    Maybe that will be on the 2020 models. :)


  8. May have to add a splash of fucking crazy, if you add sweetener.

    It is often difficult to get one without the other, it seems.

    Can one have sweet' date=' black coffee? Doesn't the addition of a sweetener remove "black" status?


    It's been my experience that when I properly stir it with my finger, the sweetness is usually enhanced. Oh wait, coffee, right?.....er......a......never mind. :D


    • Upvote 1
  9. Dear Santa,

    I've been a very good boy. I eat all my vegetables and drink all my

    milk. I go to work every day and I'm almost never late. Since I don't

    drink, smoke, chew tobacco, or chase women that run faster than I do,

    I would like to have a little fun before my days are up. I only have one

    thing to ask for, for Christmas...


    ...I thought it might be wise to make my request early.


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