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Everything posted by Gunner75

  1. And that's your opinion. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  2. I'm not saying that anyone should. I'm saying that i would if criminals didn't have them Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  3. Its been illegal to be in possession of pot, coke, heroin, meth and many other controlled substances for how long? We as a country spend billions a year busting, taking people to trial, drug intradiction ops, in the gulf, and what has it gotten us? Not a damn thing because the drugs are still there because the drugs are still wanted and the criminals are still providing them. Tougher drug laws doesn't stop them. So how are more gun laws going to stop them? When you can figure out how to get guns out of the hands of criminals then I will gladly give my guns up. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  4. They aren't but that's why its also illegal for violent felons to own guns. Magley must be bored and looking for attention. That's the only possible reason why he does this is because being a troll entertains him. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  5. Thats fucking awesome...way to go guys...leave an entire weapons cache unguarded...fucking morons Magley will surely use this as a reason to push his anti gun agenda
  6. Like I said before, If its good enough for Seal Snipers to use then a model 700 in .308 is good enough for me.
  7. When dealing with democrats its always about take and take. They promise to do one thing and never get around to it. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  8. I figured it would get through the senate, but it will not make it through the house.
  9. dirty Hooligan! nice ride
  10. damnit....When it happens, ill take pictures and post em Wait you mean like these
  11. So ive got a couple of big guns, and a medium speed bike, where does that leave me?
  12. Insulting one because of their personal choice doesn't show respect. The fact that you answered Skullcrusher the way you did on his invitation to post a sign you have a complete disregard for others beliefs in rights and that you are contradictory from your political beliefs. I to your supreme intellect on using Mother Jones as a reputable source for facts. So obviously we know where your stance on guns isn't gonna change anytime soon. Whats your stance on Global Warming, Fact? Or Fiction?
  13. Yeah and Im a damned sucker for arguing with an idiot. They just end up beating me down with experience
  14. It just goes against everything Ive ever witnessed. You have got to be the only Libertarian that actually sites Mother Jones as fact. Personally I think your confused as to where your political beliefs should align.
  15. I think hes got sand in his vagina and needs to stop being a douche and start using one
  16. Mag's Ive never met anyone who didn't personally believe in what their political affiliation believes or supports. For you to say your a libertarian that believes in all personal liberties but you personally dont agree with my right to own a firearm makes you a hypocrite in my book.
  17. Mags wants gun control so it takes guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens cause we all know criminals obey laws. Here a good video that Magley would support, a store owner being robbed and shot at, but the only thing he uses is a bat. Great on him for defending himself with a bat, but had he had a gun he probably wouldn't have even been shot to begin with. http://wgntv.com/2013/04/10/logan-square-armed-robbery-caught-on-video/ Oh wait! This happened in Chicago, they already ban hand guns! So this obviously couldn't have happened! Its all fabricated and doctored video
  18. If its good enough for Seals to use for a sniper, its good enough for me
  19. Am i the only one here that finds his links from Mother Jones completely contradictory from his so called political beliefs? Linking from a far left sided blog but yet he says hes a Libertarian...more like full of shit and confused
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