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Everything posted by Gunner75

  1. These are the notes from the video. If these are indeed the facts on how it went down then I would not be amazed at some point there is a lawsuit. [quote name=Youtube On March 16' date=' 2013, my son and I were hiking along country roads among pastures and fields with my 15-year old son to help him earn his hiking merit badge. I always enjoy these father/son hikes because it gives me time alone with my son. As I always do when we go on these hikes and walks, I took my trusty rifle with me as there are coyotes, wild hogs, and cougars in our area. In Texas, it is legal to openly carry a rifle or shotgun as long as you do so in a manner that isn't calculated to cause alarm. In other words, you can't walk around waving your rifle at people. I always carry my rifle slung across my chest dangling, not holding it in my hands. At about the 5 mile mark of our hike, a voice behind us asked us to stop and the officer motioned for us to approach him. He got out of his car and met us a few feet later. He asked us what we were doing and I explained that we were hiking for my son's merit badge. He then asked me what I'm doing with the rifle, to which I responded in a calm manner, "Does it matter, officer? Am I breaking the law?" At that point, the officer grabbed my rifle without warning or indication. He didn't ask for my rifle and he didn't suggest he would take it from me. He simply grabbed it. This startled me and I instantly pulled back - the rifle was attached to me - and I asked what he thought he was doing because he's not taking my rifle. He then pulled his service pistol on me and told me to take my hands off the weapon and move to his car, which I complied with. He then slammed me into the hood of his car and I remembered I had a camera on me (one of the requirements of the hiking merit badge is to document your hikes). This video is the rest of that encounter. Up to this point, I am not told why I am being stopped, why he tried to disarm me, or even that I'm under arrest. We did not set out that Saturday morning to "make a point" or cause problems. Our goal was to complete a 10-mile hike and return home without incident. My son chose a route that away from populated areas but near our home. The arresting officer is Officer Steve Ermis and the supervisor is Sergeant Minnicks of the Temple Police Department. If you agree this was a gross act of exceeded authority, please help me fight these charges
  2. according to the video notes, the guy was defensive because the cop called them over and then deliberately tried to take his weapon without notification of his intentions. Maybe he shouldn't have argued on the side of the road like that, but it shouldnt matter whether that he was carrying a rifle in a rural area like that. He stated that there were numerous coyote's, and cougar in the area. Just like here in Ohio it is perfectly legal to open carry a firearm in a safe manner. If the cop did try to forcibly remove the weapon without notification then to me thats a violation of the 4th amendment. Im curious as to when he was read his Miranda rights.
  3. I swear it said shit my pants at first lol good marketing campaign. 2100 dislikes on the video shows that people shit their pants rather then shipped their pants
  4. I use tapatalk and posting works fine, but I cant rep anyone as Ive yet to figure out how on it
  5. You nazi:D Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  6. I would pay good money to see that, but there are too many bitches out there that would call it inhuman. Like detonating a bomb in a crowd full of people is humane Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  7. Seems pressure cookers are pretty popular for use as bombs... Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  8. I just seen a news report saying the bombs were modyfied pressure cookers wi th ball bearings anyone else see that? Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  9. He's got a point. Last time I was up there they had 6 isles of jackets leather, mesh, and textile. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  10. Ive got a Fulmer mesh jacket all black with a reflective strip on the front and rear ill let go for 85. Only a year old seldom worn, has a zip out inner liner. its this one right here http://www.fulmerhelmets.com/gear/men's-textile-jackets/firetrak-ii/
  11. You can give me a Harley, and Ill trade it, or sell it, and turn around and by one of those "Jap Bikes" any day of the week.
  12. To be privy to that conversation would be awesome! If successfully used :bow::bow::bow:
  13. PC is whats wrong with this damn country. Very few people have a sense of humor anymore. Clean the sand out of you vagina's, put your big girl panties on, and deal with it. If your offended because of something someone said, then its because you wanted to be offended.
  14. Would be a blast to ride it just one time without limits
  15. Why? That's what they want. To be killed and sent to heaven so they can have their 72 virgins and rivers of honey Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  16. Sucks for those of you who didn't sell when it was 1500an oz Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  17. Shock...it does weird shit to you. He probably doesn't even realize it Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  18. Doucher trying to defend something like this at the video link below http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1VD273VgVw
  19. Or ride with a douche that has a gay ass bike like that
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