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Everything posted by Gunner75

  1. I have no idea dude it seems random when it works. Maybe Casper can enlighten us Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  2. Yeah, I expected my company to stay with our Dodge Caravan's that we had instead of going with a 4 cylinder thats way underpowered for what we do with them.
  3. I used to till the landlord stopped making his damn mortgage payments. Now im stuck in shit like this till We get shit straight to try to buy us a place Advantage of living in a small town, no one fucks with your shit when they know your packing heat all the time Yep and I have to drive/live in that ugly piece of shit 5 days a week, just broke 30,000 miles since i got it new in August, its had to have the transmission rebuilt once and the engine worked on twice.
  4. Pretty good photoshop looks like it was almost meant to be
  5. Open the door at 230 tonight to take my dogs out and this is what I find
  6. Isle of Man video post number 12000....
  7. Ive never gotten much chance to listen to Glen Beck. My favorite radio host, Neil Boortz just left in January, and was replaced by Herman Cain. My morning radio listening has changed from talk to music based on Herman Cain just doesn't hold my attention. I also wouldnt be amazed if something happens to Beck over the weekend After watching the whole video I dont understand why even give them time? Why not just come out with it?
  8. There was skepticism when I posted it as I think 75% of everything from CNN is bullshit
  9. lol they already flagged the listing for removal.
  10. Did anyone ever post the picture of the fuck that died? If not Ill post a link to it.
  11. theres no way in hell this fucker is getting cleared. He aint even going to have a job after this.
  12. And I just realized the buy who posted this was duped lol its from 2011 lol
  13. I didnt read that shit, its greek to me. Friend of mine posted it, for some of us to look through. The working is coming straight off the post on CNN's page
  14. Not really sure how much truth is in this as it coming from CNN http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-711747 A bill passed late last night (93-7 votes) that declares the entire United States of America a battleground. What this means is that the U.S. Military can now operate with impunity, and grant the U.S. Military the unchecked power to arrest, detain, interrogate, and even assassinate United States citizens with impunity. What this means is the United States is basically declaring war with itself. We need to shed light on this and make sure it does not become a law, otherwise we should just say good bye to the Bill of Rights and everything America used to stand for. Here is the link to the bill in question. http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-112s1867pcs/pdf/BILLS-112s1867pcs.pdf
  15. http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-711747 A bill passed late last night (93-7 votes) that declares the entire United States of America a battleground. What this means is that the U.S. Military can now operate with impunity, and grant the U.S. Military the unchecked power to arrest, detain, interrogate, and even assassinate United States citizens with impunity. What this means is the United States is basically declaring war with itself. We need to shed light on this and make sure it does not become a law, otherwise we should just say good bye to the Bill of Rights and everything America used to stand for. Here is the link to the bill in question. http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-112s1867pcs/pdf/BILLS-112s1867pcs.pdf
  16. :tits: I wont hit on her or seriously degrade her, but Im a tit man and would always love to have an extra set to add to the portfolio of titties
  17. Where is the sign? Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  18. Even with the Monster Energy Drink can for a overfill?
  19. I thought we had a couple of members who were 17-18....
  20. Sundays is when I usually ride. If your in Larue, your only about 45 minutes from me. I ride all over but usually head down to SE Ohio to ride with my buddy Rick. If interested hit me with a PM
  21. Because they have to maintain the illusion that they are actually trying to work
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