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Everything posted by Gunner75

  1. :welcome3:Im a little over an hour south of you down by the Lima area. Unfortunately were stuck with very few choices for twisties. I usually ride down to the SE area and ride down there a few times a month and to OR
  2. Im hearing that they are going to deport him due to 3 connections towards terrorist activities, relation, or known ties towards terror suspects
  3. :D:D Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  4. Gunner75

    Ricin letters

    My internet sarcasm detector must be broken Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  5. Gunner75

    Ricin letters

    if you believe that in any sense you need to get out more http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ricin
  6. An explosion that size? oh i wouldnt be amazed on bit if it climbs
  7. I noticed that after I posted that. I bought those less then a month ago so they must have sold the last set soon after I bought mine
  8. However unintentional that it may have been, I think that most find it insulting that someone would ask such a price when they can be bought for significantly less with the same or more options. Those who dont find it insulting, I think find it funny that someone would be delusional to ask for such a high price
  9. these are the ones i bought shipped to the house for 73. They work really well and Im very happy with them http://www.amazon.com/Venom-Motorcycle-Paddock-Universal-Kawasaki/dp/B0077T23IO/ref=pd_sxp_f_pt
  10. News report just stated another ricin laced letter was intercepted that was addressed to the president http://nypost.com/p/news/national/nd_letter_sent_to_senate_test_positive_vTDk1vjSvEfFvFTlSyP2cM Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  11. That too Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  12. Im thinking they are troll accounts from other more well known members who are too pussy to post on their normal accounts for fear they dont want to piss off some of their friends
  13. Last I was aware those were and still are illegal to possess unless "authorized"
  14. Oh look everybody! Isnt it cute! a grammar Nazi!
  15. supply and demand plays some into it yes, but going 800 over what they originally go for is pushing it.
  16. That your starting price alone says your asking far more then they sell new. If your willing to deal you aren't going to knock off 700 off the price which is the absolute max I would go Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  17. Paranoia my ass. I just watched another M&P go for 1200 with full furniture 5 mags and a nice bushmaster scope. That's not a Noveski or an Adams Arms. Its an eveyday run of the mill AR that's mass produced. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  18. I wouldnt be willing to test whether or not a pistol caliber would stop a hungry cougar or mountain lion. Coyote yes, but if your attacked by a pack of them a pistol isnt going to do much
  19. This comment right here tells me that the cops responded in an aggressive manner because it was an AR15. The fact that the guy in the video stated that there were coyote's, as well as cougar in the area of the hike is justification alone to carry a weapon. I would also like to reiterate they asked him if it was loaded and he said no. You can see in the video when the officer handed the weapon over the second officer confirmed this by pulling the charging handle back.
  20. Like i said read the notes from the video, it says the officer called him over and the officer tried to grab the gun. That is not something you do period. That would definitely put me on the defensive
  21. Read the notes he was open carrying the rifle for protection
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