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Everything posted by 99FLHRCI

  1. I'm rollin' God's own chariot!! lol
  2. They have 0 bids and a comment saying they need to lower the price by $8000. Don't know that they will get what they want for it but, it is a VERY nice looking stang.
  3. 99FLHRCI

    Right Now

    Would but, I am stuck at work.
  4. AEM has a bypass element that can be used to prevent this. I do not know if it only works with the AEM systems or not. http://www.aempower.com/ViewCategory.aspx?CategoryID=20
  5. I would recommend a flip kit. I went to StylinConcepts.com and put in your truck and looked at DJM (just happened to be the first on the list) and found and front and rear kit that uses front springs and a rear flip kit. Shouldn't be to hard to find the size and brand you like. http://www.stylintrucks.com/parts.aspx?category%7ccategory_root%7c-30=Suspension&selected_prod_ids=550
  6. How do you come to the conclusion that everyone else on the road are "innocent folks"? Do you not purchase goods transported by truck? If the cost of shipping goes up, the cost of goods go up. By interfering with traffic they draw attention to their cause. Same with any strike, disrupt the flow of traffic into a business people wonder why. Disrupt the flow of traffic on the highway people wonder why. If all of the independents parked their trucks and got another job, millions of tons of cargo would have to be picked up by the corporations which lead to a huge back log. Then there would be the affect on the economy of all the truckers who now have trucks parked in their yard costing them money as they still have to pay the bank note and they are not making money from that vehicle. If the truckers got organized enough and did hold out on strike it would have an impact on everything from diesel prices to the wages they are payed. Look at what the teamsters did back in the day. It happens all over the world by all different groups to further their cause. Look at what truckers in Puerto Rico did a couple years ago. http://www.workers.org/2005/world/puerto-rico-0804/
  7. I think the brother is on vacation so he does not need the truck until he gets back in town.
  8. I would guess it is a scam. It has been posted many times on CraigsList. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=48162&highlight=boyfriend+fox+wheels
  9. A guy at work sent me this video of his fishing buddy on stage at the comedy barn.
  10. That is the car. I will be there with a black Famous hat and a short blonde girl.
  11. They were talking about this on the Blitz yesterday and they said the neighbor dropped off THREE FULL DVD's of the guy doing this. I would think the first time he was caught would be enough to turn him in. They also said that he had admitted to it and also admitted to taking the picnic table inside the house to have sex with it.
  12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honda_K_engine Varies widely as it is pretty much there platform for most of their 4 cylinders now. 155-222hp is the range for the K20 but the same block can be used for the K23 and K24. OOPS! stepped away in the middle of typing and some people beat me to it. /Fail
  13. 8:30ish... avoids the cover charge <----Cheap Ass
  14. I'm up for it. Hopefully this time I can recognize someone or someone will recognize me.
  15. http://www.fcmcclerk.com/faq/civil/evictions.php#5 Franklin County Clerk of Courts FAQ regarding Eviction
  16. +1 I do not know all the specific language but there is a required written notice for someone that has established residence (clothing, etc. in the house). There are actual fines if you do not follow the law regarding notice and the required information in the notice. There are many sites that sell "eviction" kits and I am sure the information is available from a lawyer or the library.
  17. 2008 Viper http://www.safercar.gov/portal/site/safercar/menuitem.db847bd57e3dc1f885dfc38c35a67789/?vgnextoid=c95df2905bf54110VgnVCM1000002fd17898RCRD&model=Viper 2006 Viper http://www.safercar.gov/portal/site/safercar/menuitem.db847bd57e3dc1f885dfc38c35a67789/?vgnextoid=c95df2905bf54110VgnVCM1000002fd17898RCRD&model=Viper I was under the impression that every car was tested every year but, I guess they may not be? I looked them up on http://www.safercar.gov. It is run by NHTSA and is supposed to list all test results.
  18. They are like an 8oz cup. I definatly will be out again Tues. Black Famous hat and a short blonde girl on my side.
  19. No I was hoping that would open up some offers on older Mustangs for you. If it worked on an '05 I would have bought it already. (It may work but I would prefer to see it in writing on their website before I put it on Dad's DD)
  20. It appears to be made by Rock wood and everyone that I can find says they are pieces of junk. I checked them out on http://www.the12volt.com. I would suggest replacing it with a different alarm or removing the alarm and going back to factory wiring.
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