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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. Yeah if I can ever get a sat off of work I can def make that happen.
  2. Wow I didnt realize that. That actually sounds like the nest idea ever. I'm DEF DOWN!!!!!
  3. haha don't think i'm quite ready for that!!!!
  4. haha thanks guys. I'll def have to keep that in mind.
  5. ok let me rephrase that.....is she HOT????? I've met girls on the internet before....YIKES!!!!
  6. I'm not here to cause drama or make anyone look bad or say anything bad about anyone. I hate drama. I'm just to meet new people and find more people to ride with. and now that I know when I'm getting my bike back, I'm very excited to start riding again. warm or cold weather.
  7. yeah sorry didnt expect this to get on here and no it didnt end up but I'm sure soon he'll realize who he is missing out on. and yes very excited to get my bike back.
  8. No I joined the board before we broke up.
  9. sweet thanks. Got it marked!!!!
  10. WHOA!!! sorry didnt have my phone next to me. sorry I couldnt respond in 3 min.
  11. Pure Skin Tattoos in Hilliard, Chris is the owner and the artist. He's does really really great work.
  12. Oh please you were the one who stated that you were NOT a leg humper - that usually states that you actually are. p.s. I'm very sarcastic and kid around a lot. don't take too much of what I say personally.
  13. haha. I'm sure it can be. I figured I'd give him one more day then I'll find a way to take care of it.
  14. hahahaha. Really? Didnt notice that at all!!!!!!
  15. haha. had a bf. we unfortunately just broke up. He's still got my bike for right now because I would ride with him and he was gonna store it for me for the winter and all that. So now i'm just waiting for him to find time to give it back to me.
  16. There's some pics for you guys. My bike, me earlier this summer, and my new tattoo I got on Fri.
  17. haha thanks. Very good to know. I guess I'll also forgot to give some info about myself. I'm Jenna. I'm 26. I've lived here in cbus most of my life. Gotta black '01 Ninja 250 earlier this summer. it's def been laid down before a bit but I figured that would be good so I wouldnt feel so bad if I lay it down (which I have yet to do)!! Always looking to meet new people, so if anyone wants to help me learn to ride a little better def let me know!!!!
  18. haha. I think i've already noticed that. but i'll be sure to keep that in mind.
  19. And well now that you have mentioned it, is there anyone out there who would be willing to ride me...I mean ride with me?
  20. Well I have been on a few main roads. I've been on Riverside Drive for like 2 seconds and I did go 45mph on Zollinger right past a cop. That was fun!!!! So after that I think I might be ok riding neighborhoods and whatnot. I just need to get used to being around other cars. that's what scares me.
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