Dayton Ohio is tooling. Tooling? How do you make tooling these days? Like my job programming setting up operating CNC equipment. . . In my career the guys with "engineering degrees" don't actually do anything productive with motor skills, those guys sit behind computers and wish things could be as they were taught that they could be. . In the real world though toolmakers actually make the stuff. . . With that said, in my 27 yr career as a toolmaker, I've been involved in automotive, military (US Navy Missil ignition cables), beverage containers (BEER!!) orthopedic implants, 50 cal machine fun stuff, 30 cal machine gun, Hummer stuff, fuel injection, air conditioning, radiator, catylitic converter, fuel tanks on and on .... Not motorcycle, but lots of very interesting stuff.... Someone has had to draw the blue prints (CAD) that us toolmakers work off of...