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Everything posted by Limenine9r

  1. I use soft straps more than my Canyon Dancer - just easier in my opinion...loop soft straps around bar then hook ratchet strap to soft strap....Daytona Bike Week, The Dragon, Myrtle Beach - many times, never had problem....just do not over tighten the front - could possibly blow fork seals
  2. Ill be in Indianapolis all weekend - marching band competition at Lucas Oil Stadium
  3. fired up the ole Phatail to go vote this afternoon....left polls feeling that I had just wasted my time, ended up down by the river ; COLD out
  4. it all goes away with a ride on the bike, problem is the location we live. We have to endure the crap for too long
  5. This morning I modified my kids high school logo, this is pretty much Northmont Thunderbolts "N" except I bulked it up and cleverly placed "marching band ".... Then I flamed the lightening bolt....a colored version ....ultimately I carved the simple version
  6. Just nice seeing all the cool cars actually running - usually ripping along like gas was only $1 gal - lol .....................................
  7. The best part is when they actually cruise - people lined up along side of road just to watch ..................
  8. The following photos are from Somernites Cruisein May 2011......I shot over 400 photos during that weekend ..........
  9. Looks like the cold weather didn't keep everybody at home
  10. DUDE - I love Hungarian hot wax peppers, these are from my garden.....captured this baby insect in my pepper garden ...the Jazz on garden patrol....jazz says HALT Who Goes There ?
  11. Such a giant thread that ill admit to not reading every page - my bad.... And thanks for explanation - game on .
  12. Limenine9r

    Ninja 250 006

    Whew - closer look confirms its not a shower scrubber squishy thing on the tank - LoL. But who knows? I mean I get a lot of slack for the green fur on my bike....lol
  13. My neighbor over in Clayton had transferred to Atlanta, couldn't find a buyer for her 2 story 4 bdrm with basement and inground pool. Messed with renters for about a yr. then it was foreclosed on and sat empty for close to yr. my new neighbors have bought it thru foreclosure at 20k under market value, but they are in process of replacing all carpet, countertops, and cabinets thanks to careless renters destroying the stuff.
  14. I'd sell house and hope that you can get out without having to write a check to the new owner. I'm in this same Dayton area that is flooded with houses and nobody has job or income or cash to buy anything. .. My lil brother sold his house over in east Dayton about a yr ago - worked some kind of deal with buyer to where he would and did give them $10k so that they could buy his old house, he bought a repo house in Franklin but couldn't qualify for both mortgages.
  15. My 47,000 mile ZX9r had similar issues this summer, that you have stated.......turned out to be my "junction box" the fuse panel that all the good fuses are plugged into called the junction box, diode or whatever inside of junction box had fried...but I'd also check kickstand safety switch. Mine corroded and a quick $12 eBay salvage kickstand assembly replacement solve initial problem that eventually lead to junction box replacement. ...one week after junction box replaced my voltage regulator fried. .....so I have a fairly new kickstand safety switch, new junction box and new voltage regulator and we're aiming for another 40k miles....
  16. ahhh haaaa my Harley and Christine the Clown ..... How many negative points do I get for responding to my own challenge? LoL. .... Ummmm new request bike/police cruiser
  17. My Jazz and my Ninja ..... I want to see bike with clown photo
  18. I have a younger brother living in Franklin...always going up and down Union Rd . Diamond Mill Rd too.
  19. I'm over towards Dayton or I'd mentor..... I agree with parking lot practice...I used to ride to vacant parking lot free from loose sand/gravel, basically pristine lot, spend hour riding as slow as possible along painted line, decide which line to turn onto, execute the turn while trying to stay on the painted line as slow as possible without putting feet down...lets ya feel where weight of bike is at, lets ya experience what happens when ya place more weight of each foot peg.... Get bored running lines ? Then do figure 8s - slow. This teaches ya to look through the turn and not at it... Lets ya experience that the bike goes where your line of site is .....slow slow slow......when your confidence builds then you can increase speed. Everything you teach yourself at slow speeds improves ability to pass license test.
  20. Limenine9r


    From the album: stuff

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