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Posts posted by HeavyDuty

  1. I just updated my Garmin to the 2015 and had to delete all of the language and picture files so it would fit. I will secure everything to the bike tomorrow morning before I go to work for a few hours that way when I get home I can get a few hours sleep before I leave to meet you guys I will probably hit the recliner tonight and watch Wild Hogs LOL see you all at 4:15am Thursday.

  2. Been riding over 40 years on July 2 2010 at 7:37 a young girl on a cell phone ran a stop sign from behind a tractor trailer 10 feet in front of me I T-bone her at 45mph I remember everything all I thought was dam this is going to hurt. The bike hit her right front wheel well I came off the bike over the right handle bar I had on a leather coat but the mirror cut thru the coat and ripped thru my stomach and broke off inside me my right hip hit her fender and drove the hip ball thru the socket I somersaulted over the car and landed on my left hip scattering it The girl panicked and stepped on the gas I got my hands up on her front bumper and she pushed me about 10 feet across the parking lot the only thing that stopped her from running me over was my bike it wedged under her car and lifted the wheels off the ground. After everything stopped moving I tried to get up but that was not happening Some people came over and asked if I was alright and I asked for my cell phone it had come out of the holder and was gone they asked why do you want the phone I replied to call 911 I told everyone not to touch me and played dead until the cops got there the first cop on the scene was my oldest son He thought I was in shock but I told him I was ok and what good would my panicking do or help I figured stay as still as possible until to paramedics’ got there To make a long story short my youngest son was getting married in 8 days and I made it to his wedding. Not the Drs orders but with lots of good drugs I made it. Now I’m back to 100% and loving every minute of riding don’t let fear stop you from doing something you love the first place I rode my new bike was thru the intersection where it happened

    • Upvote 3
  3. In the owner’s manual it is not listed as one that can get map down loads from a PC The 1300 nuvi I have is a cheap model I only paid $39 dollars for it on sale at circuit city. I got it for use on the bike in emergencies It gets me where I need to go one way or another. If I manually load the start and finish points and a few of our stops along the way it will almost always use the same rout we are taking. I will load those spots in to my favorites place just in case we get separated. Plus the memory is 95 % full and it is telling me to put a 4G microSD card in it but nothing bigger I do not have one that small.

  4. I have a nuvi 1300 series GPS Looks like there is no way to load these maps to it. If there is maybe one of you can talk me thru it. Cant wait to go the first days ride has me a little worried because I work close Wednesday night and will have to do it on about 5 hours sleep Red Bull will be my friend. After all the bull shit last week about my vacation I know they gave me that shift on purpose funny how all of a sudden I close every night till we leave.

  5. Tar Snakes

    Be careful when entering Rt82 / 5 west bound off of West Market St. leaving Warren The whole curve of the ramp is covered in Tar Snakes 2 inches wide and ½ inch thick 10 feet long or longer. I hit the ramp at about 45 before I saw them and every one I hit the bike slid 2 inches sideways Hate them things

  6. My place of business calls me in to the office today and starts to give me grief about me taking my vacation in 2 weeks and try to cancel it and they know about my trip that I applied and got my vacation approved for back in December of last year. So here is what is going on there are five of us in my department It takes all five of us to keep it running smooth but we can get by ok with 4 so only one of use can be on vacation at a time My vacation starts on the 11th and ends on the 17th one of the other guys starts on the 18th and ends on 24th which is not a problem but the other 3 guys in the department all turned in their two week notice Friday. I worked for Eaton Corp for 31 years and get a pension and I’m at the age where I can get social security now. I told them I would be more than happy to work overtime and cover my coworker’s vacation time but if they canceled my vacation they would have my 2 week notice by the end of the day. My coworker is a few years older than me and retired after 30 years in the navy. Turns out my coworker told them the exact same thing I did. I will find out by the end of the week what they decide. I will be going no matter what their decision is. F-ing ass hats I may turn in my 2 week notice Monday anyway.

    • Upvote 2
  7. Afghanistan has some of the largest deposits of lithium in the world ( battery Power )

    I can’t think of anything that he has actually kept his promise on except Obama Care and look how well that has worked out.

    When Hilary runs she will promise paid menstrual cycle leave for all working woman. :lol:

  8. My wife told me if I was a real Iron horsemen all I would need to take are my boots jeans and a tee shirt. That may have been alright 40 years ago but the only thing Im doing now is not shaving for the whole trip. Its time to figure out what I will realy need to take.

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