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Posts posted by HeavyDuty

  1. Yes I did I just redid a new one but you will have to listen to my front spinners and my squeaky clutch that I greased last night. The video starts after the first turn in the park and runs 10 min I will load it on YouTube before I go to bed the 10 min video will take 6.6 hours to load if there is a faster way let me know. I had a blast on the ride if you do this again I would like to go You can only be as good as the people you ride with and I need to step it up a few knocks

  2. Oh great, all your video is of me.

    No problem you look real good in all the turns. I will have to load the video later youtube says 66 min to up load a 2 min vid Thanks everyone I had a great time

  3. I ordered 2 64 gig micro sd cards and 2 new batteries and a charger for my go pro and will loading about 25 hours of music to my GPS I put all my leather bags on the bike yesterday to make sure I would not get any last minute surprises. I’m going to mount the camera on a pole about 2 feet over my head and behind me so I can turn it forward or backward and side to side for a different view Also going to grab a six pack of Rock Star for the ride out.

  4. :lol:

    This whole mess was the fault of the lead rider He may not have been liable but his fault non the less and if she would have tried to slow down she would have hit the horse.

  5. I take it for granted every horse will panic when 3 or 4 bikes blow past them at probably 70+MPH especially coming head on 99% of the time they only see vehicles at 35mph that is a big difference in speed and sound. That video is one of those young and dumb learning experiences that I think she will not do again. Coming home from Geneva on the lake last year we came up on 25 to 30 buggies leaving church there were 15 of us and we past slowly going in the same direction but almost every horse reacted in some way and a few came a little in to our lane. You need to be smarter then the horse.

  6. Our cat is very territorial with other cats But he is friendly with all the dogs in our condo association and lets them come around him with no problems But he is at least 2X bigger then all of them. he also love kids when we moved in some of the parents were afraid to let their kids out when they first saw him he is so big. In our house what’s his is his and what’s ours is his. He is house trained and rings a bell when he wants out. he also comes when we call him. He will also play catch when in the mood.

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