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Posts posted by HeavyDuty

  1. On ‎7‎/‎8‎/‎2016 at 8:56 AM, Bad324 said:
    On ‎7‎/‎8‎/‎2016 at 8:56 AM, Bad324 said:



    Error 404

  2. I wonder how our great president will handle the BLM now that they have become a terrorist organization. How will he find a way to keep praising them for the great work that they do.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I totally agree religion is only a means of controlling the masses. The Bible and Koran were both written by men so how can either one be trusted. The only real difference between the two religions is you can question the Bible and be fine but if you question the Koran you die. This was a good point there are hundreds of religions in the world so you better hope you guests right

    No one said gays should stay in the closet What I’m talking about is stupid law suits  like suing a small bakery because they do not want to make you a cake Why not say fluke you and just take your money someplace else this kind of actions does more harm then it helps. Let’s use some common sense  instead of all this politically correct crap.

    • Upvote 1
  4. So by the latest surveys say 20% of the Americans population say they are gay or bisexual.  the truth is I could care less If you are gay or not.  Not my idea of having fun but who cares. The point is why rub it in everyone’s face and push it on everyone else most people could care less. Here is another point most gays think Obama and Hillary are their friend but the truth is what will start to happen to the gay community when all of the Muslims Obama and Hillary let in start to get a good foot hold in this country? I think you will see a lot more of what happened in Orlando or worse.  So just another thought  2 out of every 10 people are gay or bisexual that might explain why so many threads on this forum turn in to and anal discussion.

  5. We have a President who is doing everything in his power to destroy America from the inside out.The problem is he has already turned the people against each other through race and now is pushing gender change and homosexuality on the American Christians and those of us that believe it is wrong! The Muslins have said that they would destroy us from the inside and through Obama it is being done ! He is not American ,he wants all the illegal aliens over here so ,through them they can control the voting majority. All these changes are designed to keep us in chaos while giving our enemies the opportunity the defeat and control us! I love this once great country,but it is not the country I was raised in.Our forefathers would be looking for a new country if they could see America today!

    • Upvote 2
  6. 11 hours ago, 2talltim said:

    I'd be interested but my counter part is off the week of the 10th and me and the mrs are riding to Niagara Falls the 21st -24th.

    We will just miss each other the wife and I will be on the Canadian side 16th -20th

  7. Glad you’re going to be ok I always stop in the middle of the lane when turning left so cars cannot go past me. The car behind you may see you and go around but the asshat a few cars back that is distracted will always hit you. So I stop everyone.

    • Upvote 1
  8. The bike was never actually recovered and they do not give a shit about it now and has probably been written off but you will never get the title for it. The real problem will occur when you try to borrow money to buy something like a new home you will never get the loan from any bank Until the agreed amount at the time of the bankruptcy is paid back and you get a statement from them saying it was witch in most cases could take months to years to get.   You could have called and found out where to take it when it was worth something and they could have auctioned it off and reduced the amount you owed but now you will need to pay back every cent you owed or you will never get that letter which means never being able to get a new home. But if you never plan on buying a new home don’t worry about it.

  9. I’ve never understood why women love cats

    Cats are independent, they don’t listen, they don’t come when you call them, they like to stay out all night, and when they’re home they like to be left alone and sleep.

    In other words, every quality that women hate in men, they love in cats.

    • Upvote 4
  10. Ohio American Legion Riders Ride and Grab Game Is a modified version of capture the flag

    The tags started out as sets of dog tags but now most post have other unique Items attached to them so they can better identify their posts tags when hanging on the wall, ours have a 5 inch Muskie lures attached to them

    A few simple rules 

    A minimum of 2 ALR patched rider from the same post on Motorcycles can only take or retrieve tags

    You can only take a tags belonging to the post you are at or a tag belonging to your post if they have one.

    You cannot take tags belonging to any other posts

    You can only take 2 tags per day.

    You can only have one tag from each post hanging on your wall.  (If you already have one you cannot take another. )

    The object of the game is to get as many of the other posts tags hanging on your wall as you can we currently have 18 sets of tags on our wall (Bragging wall)

    Now let me address to statement about drinking.  If a member of the ALR becomes drunk during any ride he or she must leave the ride and one of your riding buddies will have to stay behind with you until you are sober enough to get home If this happens again you can be banned from further rides The safety of your fellow riders is yours and every other riders responsibility.  We take that very seriously

    In the 20 to 25 rides I do every year riding with various ALR posts in the last 5 years we have had O ZERO accidents how many riders have crashed on rides organized by Ohio riders in the last 5 years.

    90% of the riders In the ALR are Veterans. If you are a vet and might be interested in joining come to some of the open rides at your local Legion post.  Believe me no one cares what you are riding.

    If you would like more information PM me.

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