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Posts posted by HeavyDuty

  1. It works both ways

    If you think the wave is a sign of respect you are wrong it is just a courtesy.  Probably ½ of the metrics that I wave at do not wave back ether. Hell ½ the Harley riders do not also   I do not always wave back but it is because I have noticed something behind you that may be a danger to my safety that I have my focus on like a car 2 or 3 cars back that has its left turn signal on or a car coming up on my right in a drive way that you did not see or just a dog on my side of the road it could be any number of things. So just because they did not wave back do not think they are being and asshat.  All riders are a special breed they all are proud of the bikes they ride and if anyone starts to talk shit about their bikes they will defend them.  You riders that have the bad attitudes about Harley riders need to show up for some of the veterans’ organized runs and find out what respect is really about.  I can guaranty no one will give you any grief over the bike you are riding only because they really do not care a rider is a rider.  Remember there are asshats that ride every brand of motorcycle do not let a few spoil it for everyone.

    I know that I like to stir the pot a little in the winter when I get bored but some of you make it to dam easy.  LOL

    • Upvote 2
  2. 6 hours ago, Earache said:

    Hoping to get a leather vest with some patches and a bandanna for Xmas next year so I can go to the Expo next year.

    Adding some Kevlar probably wouldn't hurt......


    Here is a quick way to get you in to the Pirate poser mode You will also have to dump the plastic ride and get some real iron. LOL.

    This vest will even get you some good laughs from the real pirates

  3. Best one I ever visited was in Hong Kong 1970. The last one in Ohio I went to have some dam scary looking dancers one even offered to take all 6 of us on at the same time. A really big tit woman tried to get a guy to suck on her tits when he declined the offer she started to beat him in the head with them like socker bockers.

    • Upvote 1
  4. After I got out of the army there was a group of 10 that hung out and rode everywhere together now there are only 2 of us left the harsh reality is I now live by this saying.

    Never look forward to the day when you stop suffering. Because when it comes you will know you are dead. And I'm good with it.

    • Upvote 3
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