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Posts posted by bshultz0930

  1. We had two dirt bikes and a bunch of gear stolen from us. Called the police and all the normal stuff. Get a call from the police that they spotted two dirt bikes in Elyria being ridden in unusual areas. They are trying to catch them. We hop in our truck and head to Elyria and start searching ourselves. Get another call that they think they caught one of them. We meet up with the State Trooper and low and behold, our TTR125 pit bike is in front of the police car and a 14 year old boy is in the back of the car. He tells us how he spots two dirt bikes and thought something was odd and called it in. Hears our report and pursued them. They fled. The one on the CR250 had some power and was able to pull away. The kid on the 125 didn’t have a clue and kept trying to get away. The cop then ran him off the road into the ditch. A very deeeep ditch. We were really shocked as it was just a dirt bike and certainly not worth harming a stupid kid BUT I’m pretty sure he learned his lesson.

    The kid was wearing my husband’s $800 custom racing boots in the mud and my back protector. The kid turned his friend in. Went to the kid’s house, found the other dirtbike and some of our other gear. Stupid ass parents. Dad’s got a $20k Harley in his garage and tells us the kids traded some video games for the bikes. Really????? You know what the bikes are worth and that’s a hell of lot of video games. Mom is giving us the stink eye like you wouldn’t believe. Really? Your kid just stole over $7k worth of stuff and it’s my fault? I suddenly don’t feel as bad that the cop ran him into the ditch as he clearly wasn’t getting any lessons from his parents. We never recovered some of the stuff and the judge ordered the older teen to some jail time and the younger paid restitution for a while. Sad thing about this, we probably wouldn’t have pressed full charges on these kids if they had just shown some remorse. Kids do stupid things but their parents were too darn lame to teach them anything so we let the legal system do it for them.

    So, yes, I’m pretty sure the police can run you over if they feel it is necessary. Don’t run from the cops.

    Sorry for the long story but it’s actually a really amusing story now that it is over. The cop was a riot!


    well they were chasing stolen property. not just someone going over the speed limit. i the question is, eh, fuck it.

  2. I've never riden with fear before, when I hoped on my wife's moto and went out with josh and Tim the last Sunday, I was fine. I think it's just getting back on my bike. Idk. I'm going to just have to so it and get it over with. I'm sure once I start ridin it again ill be ok. And YES I would live to track, but I don't exactly have the time (3 kids under the age of 2). I'm sure i could make time eventually, but tracking is one thing I really would like to do. I just need to find out if I can even get my moto in because its a street fighter. I have certified gear, but my modified moto is the only problem.

  3. just about everyday i dream of riding the twisties. i love them. its honestly the most exciting thing ive ever done.


    all in all at the same time, i wonder which time will be my last time? that one fatal slip or mistake and everything just goes black. but what about my wife and kids? my parents will go nuts! i wear the correct gear (now i do), even after i wrecked in dec of 2012 and managed to walk away from a 50-70mph wreck with just a sore knee? yea i got lucky. but what if something had been slightly different and that was it? i dont ride out of my comfort zone, ever. i ride the way i know how to ride and keep it within my limits. idk if this is just me fearing this year with what happened last year? idk, its just something ive been thinking about a lot lately. anyone else think like this? love the sport too much and are willing to risk your life everytime you sit on the bike? i dont know. i guess im just going to have to get back on it again and do it.

  4. Master craft is a totally different tire from cooper, different compound and mix. Master crafts are junk. If they're not LT tires you feel like your in a boat with them. Coopers are awesome. How far are you from the Akron area? My dad ownes a tire shop, so decide what tires you want and ill call him to see if I can get you the best deal.

  5. Thanks everyone I appreciate it!

    To grapes: I do have one of three heaters that won't kick on, but I haven't dug into it yet.

    I get there after work around 5 or slightly after during the week. I'm there all weekend. This place is 3500sq ft with 4 bathrooms and 3 water heaters/hvac units. It's a nice place once all the visual things are done.

  6. So my wife and I purchased our first house, cheap, $65000. It needs a lot of stupid small repairs and we are trying to be in by the first. But with 3 kids its difficult for me and my grandfather inlaw to do it all. Anyone interested in helping? I don't have a lot to give, probably beer and pizza. Or I can assist you on repairs to vehicles. (I have many certs in the auto biz). I know this seems desperate but as they say, desperate times call for desperate measures. I know it's a pain in the ass to paint and blah blah blah so don't feel bad if you just disregard this post, trust me, I understand!

    Edit:: located in elyria real close to kennedys cycle for those who know it.

  7. Figures, the rotors I bought from eBay one of them is pretty bent. But I had the guy agree that if something is wrong with them he'd exchange or refund. So ill start there, I can still put the only good one on and figure it out till then.

  8. So when I tore my bike all the way the way apart I cleaned the front brakes really well, lubed everything really well. Sitting still I can get a good lever, but as soon as the front tire does a full rotation I have to pump them up again. Possible I lubed and cleaned them too well? Maybe I got air in the system when there apart? (The master and everything were literally sitting in a box) help me out! I'm goin to bring a vaccum pump home Monday and try and bleed them.

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