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smccrory last won the day on April 8 2019

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About smccrory

  • Birthday May 13

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    Columbus OH
  • Vehicles(s)
    '19 790 Adventure R
    '13 Beta 350 RR
    '17 GG 280

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  1. Jim I’ve been singing your praises to my riding buddies, some of whom were too slack-assed to call or write their representatives when I’d relay the calls to action.
  2. Welcome to OhioRiders! That's a fast bike and I bet a blast to ride. I have a 2013 Beta 350 RR-S and ride Wayne and Perry occasionally, usually with another Westerville guy on a 500 exc. Sometimes we hit events put on by local groups like the Flint Ridge, Peace Pipe and Grassman Enduros and Dual Sports rides. Keep your eyes out for the 2020 schedule at https://www.usdualsports.com/ohio-dirt-bike-rides/ and consider Wailin Wayne Weekend https://www.wailinwayneweekend.com/ when it comes around next year. I've personally found the family enduros to be more my level/age group/risk tolerance than the full-on ones, but to each their own. Within Wayne National Forest, the monday creek main corridor is the easiest route and has tons of flow, but there are some adjacent hill climb areas and Long Ridge can be challenging. One of the neat things about the main corridor is that it can have rained the day prior and it's still a blast if you air the tires way down or even better are running tubliss with good knobbies. Seat height is always a tradeoff, and I get it - my inseam is only 30" and I enjoy the Beta's lower by 1/2"-or-so seat. At first I thought I'd want to lift the forks and thrown a lowering link on the shock but I gradually got used to it. My boots add at least 1/4" to my height and I intuitively now just look for a small rise on either side before I stop. You should be standing on the bike most of the time anyway, so in practice seat height is only a big deal when you're starting, stopping and dabbing (very, very rarely because it can cause injuries). I suggestion would be that if you modify the suspension, don't do anything permanent because you may find over time that you'll want that travel and ground clearance back. Anywho, single track really is addictive! This season is drawing to an end unless you add a love for cold, muddy slop and snow. I can barely even think about it without getting depressed.
  3. Also, there is a gathering at Wayne coming up in a couple months you might want to check out: https://www.wailinwayneweekend.com/
  4. Welcome! Just a few ADV bike riders here, so you may want to also follow advrider.com's "Adventure in Ohio?" thread.
  5. Dibs! BUT I don’t think it’s transferable. I sure wish, I’m picking up a brand new KTM in 2 weeks.
  6. All three of my reps contacted, thank you Jim!
  7. If the question is to me, I'm not sure I understand. Could you restate it differently?
  8. Apologies for the battery charging tangent, but what you guys say is very true - multi-cell batteries (usually one, two or three parallel rows of a 3-cell series) need to be charged in a way that brings each cell to the same voltages or else you can damage or even cook the battery. A friend into RC airplanes caught his garage on fire charging a 4S cell with a non-balancing charger 4 years ago. I always look for batteries that explicitly state they're compatible with simple chargers (i.e. they have balancing circuits built into the battery) or have a separate balancing charger. You can visually tell the difference by looking for a secondary charging port with 4+ pins (ground plus one pin for each series row).
  9. Something so simple, so bilaterally agreed upon, and even it got fuxored as a way to nudge colleagues into supporting a tax increase until it was stripped from the final bill like a used up hooker. Politicians suck. Government sucks.
  10. I'll definitely hit you up later this summer once my 790 Adventure R comes in.
  11. Being charged extra by the government to legalize reduction of hearing risk doesn't sound fair at all to me. This is why I hate politicians.
  12. You should enter my name into the system and score that $500 KTM credit for me... ;-D
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